When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (6)

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*/ In this chapter, things start heating up. It's getting much more mysterious and the plot is starting to come into view :D Hope you enjoy! /*

I stared at Mr Hinchcliffe with my mouth wide open, a look of shock taking over my face. I couldn't quite grasp what he had just said, there was so much wrong with it. First, how did he know about my mum? And second, why and how was he going to protect me? I couldn't stop my mind from racing, all these crazy thoughts running around in my head were making me even more confused.

I watched as his face turned from confusion to one of realisation at what he had just said. He opened his mouth to talk but I motioned at him to stop by putting my finger in the air. I needed to speak first.

"H-how...How do you know anything about my mother, Mr Hinchcliffe?"

I watched his eyes closely...well, I did until he pulled them away from my gaze. He stood up from kneeling and leaned against the desk, sighing.

"There are such things as school records you know, Jas...and it's Marc."

He smiled gently but I noticed that it didn't quite meet his eyes. I scowled.

"Nothing about her or Dames is on my school record, Marc." I was speaking in a whisper now. I wasn't quite sure why, I think it was just out of shock and confusion.

And by the way, Dames is short for Damien...my 7 year old brother who still lives in England. I wasn't quite sure why he continued living over there and didn't come with us to the states, I never really asked questions...I never really asked why we moved here in the first place. I was just happy for the change of scenery and culture. It's weird how we moved just after what happened though, I'd pondered this thousands of times but never come to any conclusion. The whole Mum/Damien topic was a complete taboo in our house so I couldn't really ask, either.

I saw Mr Hinchcliffe frown slightly.

"You must be wrong, Jas, because that's where I read it."

I shook my head violently. I knew he didn't read it there cause neither me nor my dad had told the school purposely, the police had told us to keep it on the quiet.

"I'm not stupid, Marc! It's not on my school records!" Tears were beginning to fall from my eyes once more, I was so confused! What the hell was going on. Why did they put it on my school records? Mr Hinchcliffe seemed to be telling the truth and there's no other way he would know...

"Oh, Jas. Don't cry...please. I'll feel like it's my fault," Mr Hinchcliffe said, with a sigh. His voice was almost a whisper too.

Without been able to stop myself, I let out an almighty cry at the memories that were now flooding back to me. Without thinking I shouted at Mr Hinchcliffe, regretting it almost immediately.

"Yeah! Well maybe it is your fault!" I paused for a second before lowering my voice to speaking volume. "Oh my god. I can't...I can't shout at a teacher." My eyes widened in realisation and regret. I'd just SHOUTED at one of my teachers, I was bound to get kicked out of school now and that's all I needed. More worries to pile on top of my worries.

He replied quickly.

"Yeah. Yeah you can shout at me right now because you're right. I'm really, really sorry."

Before I could grasp what was happening, I felt two arms reach around me and envelope me in a tight, warm grasp. I gasped...why was Mr Hinchcliffe hugging me? Surely there was some kind of Student/Teacher barrier, and this crossed it. I wasn't really complaining though, it did make me feel substantially better...safer.

"I'll get make up all over your shirt." was all I could think to say. I felt his chest move when he laughed gently...I could also feel his heart beat when I listened carefully enough. I stopped thinking about him as my teacher for a moment, if I didn't then this situation would just seem too weird.

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