Chapter 256-260

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Chapter 256: After the Fire

Translator: Lonelytree

The raging fire continued burning for more than ten minutes before it was put out. There were no casualties, only the loss of property.

There were three reasons why the fire was put out so quickly.

First, there were many people. Each person had a bucket of water, and more than a hundred villagers participated in the fire-fighting operation.

Second, the fire-fighting measures were in place. Many fire extinguishers were stored in the shed, and a few water cisterns were dug. When the fire broke out, the water was pumped out by the engine.

Third, it was the geographical environment. There was no strong wind in the night. In addition, the field was next to a small river, so there was sufficient water.

When the last wisp of smoke was completely extinguished, everyone wiped the sweat on their foreheads and said with a smile, "The fire is finally out."

"Yes, the fire is finally out. Otherwise, if it continues to burn like this, the entire field will be destroyed, and the loss will be huge."

"However, based on the situation, the loss is not small either. The strawberries are very expensive. They are sold for 200 RMB per catty. Even if they lost 50 catties, that was already 10,000 RMB gone up in flames."

"Based on estimation, they've lost more than 50 catties." A villager said regretfully, "A few large sheds have been burned down, and the strawberries are gone."

"Speaking of which, how did the fire start?" A villager asked in puzzlement, "The source of the fire isn't at the strawberry field. In fact, I believe it came from that piece of land." The person pointed at the patch where the weeds had been burned to ashes. "Look, the fire probably started here. The sheds closest to this patch are the most damaged."

"You're right."

"This piece of land has been circled out, so this isn't part of the strawberry field. Whose land is this?"

"In Tai Ping Field, only three or four families didn't rent their land to Xiao Lingyu."

"This piece of land belongs to Xiao Chengcai."

"Oh, it's Xiao Chengcai's. He doesn't grow anything here. It's the middle of summer, and the grass is green. Why would a fire suddenly catch?"

"Were the night guards smoking, and they forgot to put out their cigarette butts? Didn't the news on television say that a forest fire started because the lumberjack accidentally dropped a still-burning cigarette butt?"

Someone denied it immediately, "That's because no one was on that mountain at the time. When they noticed the fire, it was already too late to do anything.

"Furthermore, that happened in the fall. The mountain was filled with dry twigs and fallen leaves.

"But we're in the middle of summer. There are few dry weeds in the wild. Even a burning cigarette will have a hard time starting a fire with these conditions. Furthermore, if it was caused by a burning cigarette, the fire wouldn't have accelerated so quickly. Chengbang and the others would have extinguished it easily. The whole village wouldn't need to mobilize to help."

"So, you mean someone did this on purpose?"

"Yes, that's the only explanation."

People were alarmed. "Someone deliberately set the fire? Who could be so evil?"

Father Xiao and Xiao Chengbang looked around to make sure there was no lingering ember. They were relieved not to find any.

However, the plastic tarp that covered the greenhouses had melted off, leaving behind only the steel skeletons.

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