Chapter 811-815

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Chapter 811: The Truth

Su Yang said directly, "Manager Zhang, just tell the truth. Tell everyone here who sold the new technology of Teng Fei technology company to you?"

Su Yang was full of confidence.

"Ahem..." Manager Zhang coughed twice and then asked Su Yang hesitantly, "Manager Su, do you really want me to tell the truth?"

Su Yang didn't hesitate at all. He raised his head high and replied, "Of course!"

Manager Zhang nodded and said, "Since Manager Su Yang said so, then I'll tell the truth!" He deliberately emphasized the words 'the truth'.

Unfortunately, Su Yang, Qiao Ruoyang, and the others were so happy that they didn't notice anything wrong with manager Zhang's tone.

"Ahem..." Manager Zhang coughed again and said, "Actually, the seller of the new technology of Teng Fei technology company is..." He deliberately looked at Su Yang.

Su Yang noticed manager Zhang's gaze and was a little confused. He said, "Manager Zhang, just tell us who it is. Why are you looking at me?"

Manager Zhang sighed lightly and pointed at someone. He said, "It's manager Su Yang, Qiao Ruoyang, Chu Xiangbei, Dai Yimin, and Pang Dayue, the five shareholders of Teng Fei technology company."

As soon as manager Zhang said that, there was a moment of strange silence.

Especially Su Yang and the others' shocked and incredulous expressions. It was so laughable.


Some of the people watching outside were shocked when they heard Manager Zhang.

"How is this possible?"

"It was actually sold by Qiao Ruoyang and Su Yang! This isn't right at all!"

"That's not right. Could manager Zhang be wrong? Why would he suddenly point out the other five? Did they conspire against Xiao Lingye?"

"The five of them conspired to frame Xiao Lingye. What's their motive for doing this?"

"What other motive could it be? Of course, it was to drive Xiao Lingye out of the company. I heard that when the company was first established, Xiao Lingye didn't pay a single cent. He only invested by offering his technology mastery. But he took the majority of the company's shares and stabilized his status as the company's major shareholder. Now that the company is getting bigger, perhaps a few people are feeling unbalanced."

"But why should Xiao Lingye get the majority of the shares since he hasn't invested any funds?"

"That is his ability."

The students and teachers outside were discussing fervently. Su Yang, Qiao Ruoyang, and the others couldn't hear them at all.

When they heard manager Zhang point out that the five of them were the ones who sold the company's new technology, their minds suddenly went blank. For a moment, their smug expressions instantly froze, and their eyes revealed a look of disbelief.

Su Yang reacted the fastest. The expression on his face stiffened as he smiled and reminded, "Manager Zhang, did you say something wrong? That wasn't what you told me back then." He was referring to the secret agreement between them.

Qiao Ruoyang and the others also came to their senses. They looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Manager Zhang smiled and said, "Manager Su, I didn't say anything wrong. You were the one who told me to tell the truth just now. Well, I was just telling the truth."

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