Chapter 966-970

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Chapter 966: Green Fresh Will Win

Translator: Lonelytree
An Xiaohui's expression had a hint of anger when she received the call from her parents.

Xiao Wang picked up a piece of vegetables for her and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong? Did uncle and Auntie say something again?"

An Xiaohui was simply angered to death.

She said to her boyfriend, "They are really trying to anger me to death. An Yang wants to get married, but the girl wants a dowry of 180,000 RMB. She also wants to buy a new house in the county town and a car."

Xiao Wang frowned and immediately guessed the truth. He said, "So, they want Auntie and uncle to pay this sum of money?" In short, they wanted An Xiaohui to pay this sum of money.

An Yang's family was getting more and more unreasonable. They were coveting their girlfriend's property more and more brazenly.

Although uncle and Auntie promised that their property would belong to An Yang after they died, now they were asking for it outright. It was obvious that they were a bunch of greedy people. Moreover, these greedy people were a bunch of ungrateful wolves.

An Xiaohui nodded and said, "That's right. My second uncle and his family hope that my parents will pay for all the money."

"Then, what is aunts and uncles' response?" Xiao Wang asked a little worriedly.

He didn't worry about the money. He and An Xiaohui did not lack money. They did not care about the money at all.

What he was worried about was that An Xiaohui's parents would agree like usual. To An Xiaohui, this was another major injury.

After all, An Xiaohui's daughter had worked so hard for them, but they were hurting their biological daughter for the sake of a nephew.

An Xiaohui's anger dissipated a lot when Xiao Wang asked this question.

An Xiaohui smiled and said, "Fortunately, my parents didn't agree to it like before."

No matter what the reason was, she felt comforted that her parents didn't agree to An Yang's matter readily.

At least his parents still retained some rationality.

Perhaps the matter that she had told her parents on the phone earlier had also had some influence.

The money An Yang needed was nothing to An Xiaohui.

However, what annoyed her was why should she pay for An Yang to get married?

After Xiao Wang heard An Xiaohui's words, he thought for a moment and said, "Xiaohui, why don't we go back and explain this matter to your parents? As long as the two of them have thought it through, we will immediately bring them to Taoyuan Village. This way, they won't be brainwashed again or have to worry about other things."

He knew what had been bothering Mother and Father An. Once that problem had been solved, Xiaohui would definitely regain the love of her parents.

However, An Xiaohui's second uncle and aunt had been fed lazy by Mother and Father An. If they knew that mother and father An had started to change their mind about An Yang, they would not be getting their money and real estate anymore.

How could they allow such a thing to happen? They would definitely brainwash father and mother An, or they would constantly find trouble for them. In this way, father and mother An would never be able to have peace.

An Xiaohui thought about it and felt that what Xiao Wang said made sense.

It was just that she was too busy with work at the company right now, so she couldn't get away from home.

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