Chapter 701-705

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Chapter 701: Guesses

When Weng Jingjing, I mean, Bai Shanshan left Taoyuan Village, her heart was still uneasy.

She frowned, not quite understanding why Gong Tianhao and Xiao Lingyu let her go so easily.

From what she knew of Gong Tianhao, Gong Tianhao was not such a kind person. Since he had doubts about her, he would detain her for investigation. However, he let her go just like that.

Actually, no. It was Xiao Lingyu who let her go. She whispered something to Gong Tianhao before Gong Tianhao kicked her out. Bai Shanshan knew that Xiao Lingyu was a very cunning woman. She wouldn't let her go so easily.

Bai Shanshan was right.

"What did you say? That woman is Bai Shanshan?!" When Old Master Gong heard Xiao Lingyu's words, he was clearly quite shocked. "Yu 'Er, do you have evidence?"

Back then, Bai Shanshan had slandered Xiao Lingyu on the internet. Old Master Gong had sent people to capture her, but Bai Shanshan had disappeared right under their noses. At that time, they thought that Jiang Tao had captured her. However, that was not true. Bai Shanshan had basically dissolved into thin air.

If Xiao Lingyu was right, then it was no wonder that they couldn't find her. Bai Shanshan had changed her face.

Xiao Lingyu shook his head and said, "Grandpa, I don't have any conclusive evidence. The reason why I can be sure that this Weng Jingjing is Bai Shanshan is that I smell Bai Shanshan's perfume on her. Grandfather, you should know that my sense of smell is extremely sensitive.

"Also, Tianhao told me that Situ Xing said that this woman has undergone heavy plastic surgery," Xiao Lingyu continued.

Old Master Gong nodded and said, "Yes, this means that this person is undoubtedly Bai Shanshan."

At this moment, Gong Tianhao frowned and asked in puzzlement, "Grandfather, Yu 'Er, who exactly is this Bai Shanshan that you're talking about?"

When Bai Shanshan was slandering Xiao Lingyu and Xiao Letong, Gong Tianhao was still lying on the hospital bed.

After he woke up, this matter had already passed a long time. Of course, no one mentioned it to him.

As a result, he knew nothing about this woman, Bai Shanshan.

Xiao Letong said, "Dad, Bai Shanshan is a bad person. Back then, she framed mom on the internet and almost caused mom to go bankrupt. Luckily, Mom was wise and had a plan to deal with it. That was why her plot didn't succeed." He made it sound serious, but he was not wrong.

"What?" Gong Tianhao was furious when he found out what Bai Shanshan had done, "Yu 'Er, you should have told me earlier that Bai Shanshan framed you. I wouldn't have let her go so easily."

Xiao Lingyu said, "Tianhao, calm down. The question now is, how are we going to find the person behind Bai Shanshan?

"Bai Shanshan was rescued from the hotel under the watchful eyes of Gong Yingxiong and Brother Jiang. After that, we couldn't find any clues about her.

"Now, she reappears as your ex-girlfriend, Weng Jingjing. This is not normal at all.

"Also, when I was stopped in China, she took my place and showed up before you in County M. Clearly, someone doesn't want us to get together and want to destroy our relationship."

"Yu 'Er is correct." Old Master Gong said seriously, "Also, the last time Yu 'Er went to the capital to meet you, she ended up being kidnapped and almost assassinated in a seven-star hotel under your name. Who has the ability to do that? Could these two groups be in cahoots?"

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