Chapter 361-365

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Chapter 361: Graduation Banquet 6
Translator: Lonelytree

The graduation banquet was lively and grand. How could it not be with several county leaders attending it?

Xiao Lingyu and Xiao Lingye's friends from the county also came.

It was then that the villagers knew that the Xiao Family had such deep connections. They actually knew the county leader!

'When Xiao Chengcai's family and Zhang Chunjiao's family saw this, their eyes turned red with jealousy. This was especially true for Xiao Chengcai. He had lost both his wife and money.

'The money he got from betraying the Little Cattle King had been compensated to Xiao Lingyu. The rent he got from Xiao Lingyu contracting the mountains had been taken away as compensation too.

Xiao Lingyu didn't show him any kindness. If Xiao Chengcai didn't want to pay, they would send him to jail for selling out trade laws. He could stay in prison to accompany his ex-wife, Zhang Xiaolan. No matter how common Xiao Chengcai's mother rolled on the ground, the Xiao family would not budge.
In order not to go to jail, Xiao Chengcai gritted his teeth and paid the compensation.

Even though Xiao Chengcai and Zhang Xiaolan were already divorced, Zhang Xiaolan still had a share of the money due to her claim to the mountains at Taoyuan Village.

Xiao Chengcai's family had a total of six people, so they could get more than 40,000 RMB. Adding the previous 30,000 RMB, the money was enough to compensate Xiao Chengcai's remaining debt of 54,000 RMB.

In the end, Xiao Chengcai only got less than 10,000 RMB after all the compensation had been taken away. The whole village laughed at him.

'The entire village was happy celebrating after they got the rent. Many people built new houses and the younger generations got married. Only Xiao Chengcai held the 10,000 and didn't know what to do. His two adult sons were old enough to get a wife. Their house was decrepit with many leaky roofs.
They should get 70,000 RMB originally. That was more than enough to find two daughters-in-law and build a new house.

But now...

Hehe, all their efforts were for naught.

'Was there hatred and resentment? Of course!

'They even wanted to take revenge.

However, how could he even do that? Xiao Chengcai was not dumb.

Since Xiao Chengcai couldn't take revenge and was ostracized by the villagers, he remained silent and worked.

However, Xiao Chengcai's mother didn't know when to stop. After the Xiao Family took away the compensation, she would go around the village to curse the Xiao Family. The Xiao Family couldn't care less. As long as she didn't come to their house to scold them, they pretended not to hear her.
Logically speaking, Xiao Chengcai's family had already fallen out with Xiao Zhengyang's family.

However, Xiao Chengcai's family came to attend the banquet. They also came with some negligible gifts. They didn't send people to help out in the kitchen or set up the venue. It was quite shameless for Xiao Chengcai to bring his whole family over for the free food.

Many people scolded Xiao Chengcai's family for being shameless.

However, Xiao Chengcai's mother said righteously, "Hmph, we've given them a precious gift. So why can't we attend the banquet?"

'They would feel dumb if they didn't come to eat the free food. If possible, they wanted to eat until the Xiao Family went bankrupt.

The villagers saw how thick-skinned Xiao Chengcai's family was. However, since Xiao Zhengyang didn't say anything, the villagers only gossiped among themselves.

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