Chapter 741-745

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Chapter 741: I Need a lot of Jades

When they learned the only person in the world who could use a jade pendant was Xiao Lingyu, they were relieved. Old Master Gong used the excuse of gifting the health wine to talk to that person.

Of course, everything was still a secret. Other than Xiao Lingyu, Gong Tianhao, Old Master Gong, and that person, no one knew what was going on!

When Xiao Letong learned that Xiao Lingyu intended to give some of the spring water in the space to the country, he only frowned slightly.

When Xiao Letong and Xiao Ling were alone in the room, Xiao Letong communicated with Xiao Ling telepathically. Xiao Letong smiled, "Ling 'Er, the opportunity has come!"

Xiao Ling was a little confused, "Brother, what opportunity has come?"

Xiao Letong said, "Our previous experiments confirmed that high-grade jade stones contain some spirit energy."

Xiao Ling nodded and said, "Yes."

Xiao Letong said slyly, "Mommy has decided to give the country a certain amount of spirit spring water, so there must be a certain negotiation process. Since we're providing them with such treasure, it's natural for us to demand something back, right?"

"..." Xiao Ling still looked at Xiao Letong with a half-understanding look.

Xiao Letong looked at him and sighed. He said helplessly, "Forget it. You won't understand it if I beat around the bush. Just do this. You need to tell Mommy that you need a lot of jade stones, and they have to be top-grade jade stones.

"With the stones, you'll be able to restore your Qi and thus produce more spring water. Otherwise, with the size of the army, even if each of them only consumes a small portion, you'd be exhausted. Therefore, you'll have to replenish your Qi. So you need the jade stones. Can you remember all that?"

Xiao Ling nodded in confusion. "Yes, I've remembered everything."

Xiao Ling was a relic spirit and had a good memory. It was just that he had never come into contact with people and was too naive.

Xiao Letong nodded and said, "Okay, go tell mommy that!"


"Ling 'Er, do you mean that you'd fall back into hibernation if we use too much of the spring water, and so you need to replenish your Qi to prevent that from happening?" Xiao Lingyu asked to confirm again, "And the source of replenishment comes from jade stones?"

"Yes, mommy!" Xiao Ling nodded very seriously, "Master, the spring water in my space isn't endless. If I give it out in such a large amount, it'll severely deplete my energy. The space will shrink, and I might not be able to retain my human form anymore." Xiao Letong taught him some, and some he added on his own. After all, Xiao Ling was the space spirit. He knew what would affect the space the most.

Xiao Lingyu was shocked, and then she shared a look with Gong Tianhao. She looked guilty. She hugged Xiao Ling in her arms and stroked his soft hair. She said with self-blame, "I'm sorry, Ling 'Er. We didn't consider this matter properly. We didn't ask for your opinion and didn't consider the consequences. We decided on this matter without consulting you. If you didn't tell me, I really didn't know that it would turn out like this!"

Seeing Xiao Ling Yu's guilty and self-reproachful expression, Xiao Ling shook her head and said, "Master, it's fine. I learned from Brother the saying that an ordinary man is innocent, but possessing wealth is a sin. We have an enemy in the dark, and she has been reborn too. If she is unable to obtain the space, she might expose your secret. In that case, we might as well start gathering allies. This is not a bad idea because we can gain the initiative by offering to cooperate with the country first." Xiao Ling said very seriously.

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