Chapter 531-535

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Chapter 531: Xiao Tong's Reincarnation

When Shan Lingfei returned to the family, everyone in the family told him that his wife had cheated on him and run away with another man. She was caught in bed by the family head and a few elders.

They locked her up in the western courtyard, but she was rescued by her adulterer, and the two of them ran away.

Moreover, Shi Xiaohe had admitted that she married Shan Lingfei because she took a fancy to his family background. In reality, she did not love Shan Lingfei at all but loved someone else.

However, Shan Lingfei didn't believe these people. He loved Shi Xiaohe, and Shi Xiaohe loved him. There was no way she would betray him. Plus, he knew that his family had never liked Shi Xiaohe. Therefore, he was very sure that Shi Xiaohe did not run away with someone else.

He went to the courtyard where Shi Xiaohe was kept. Although it had been tidied up, he could still smell the blood in the air. However, a long time had passed, and the smell had become very faint.

Then, he noticed a piece of a shattered bowl hidden in the grass. There was still blood on it. Something must have happened here.

But he had no idea what.

One day, a little servant girl ran over secretly and cried, "Eldest young master, Young Madam gave birth in this courtyard. We all heard the baby crying. But when we reported this to the old master and Madam, Young Madam and the little Young Master were already gone."

Shi Xiaohe had once saved this girl, so she had always been very grateful and wanted to repay her.

However, she was only a servant. A casual word from the master could have taken her life.

The Master and Madam hated Young Madam so much. Once they found out that she had secretly helped her, she would be dead for sure.

However, she would risk her life to prove Young Madam's innocence.

"What did you say?" Shan Lingfei was shocked. "Xiaohe gave birth?!"

Everything matched. It explained why there was blood on the shard of the broken bowl. It was very likely that after Xiaohe gave birth, she used the shard to cut the umbilical cord since there were no scissors.

"Eldest young master, you have to trust Young Madam.

"Three months ago, young master went out on a mission. But just as you left, Madam ordered someone to give the young madam a bowl of medicinal soup to drink. Young madam drank it. But she did not know that this was a bowl of aphrodisiac.

"When she woke up, she was caught in bed with another man."

When she said this, she saw that Shan Lengfei's expression was very bad. The young servant girl immediately defended Shi Xiaohe and said, "Eldest young master, don't misunderstand. Young Madam did not betray you. When they were caught, neither of them had even taken their clothes off yet."

Although the family head and the elders loathed and despised Shi Xiaohe, they would not really let Shi Xiaohe cuckold Shan Lingfei for the sake of Shan Lingfei's face and the family's face. They only needed an excuse.

Shan Lingfei's face was dark and gloomy. His hands were clenched into fists, and blue veins popped up. He was unusually angry.

He never thought that his good father, good mother, and a group of elders would actually bully his wife and son like this.

"What about the birth?" Shan Lingfei suppressed his anger and asked coldly.

"After young madam was locked in this courtyard, Madam said that the family couldn't keep the child, so she ordered someone to get a bowl of abortion medicine," the little servant girl said while crying.

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