Chapter 411-415

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Chapter 411 Qin Yan's Two Faces

Standing in front of his grandfather, Jiang Tao said with a determined expression, "Grandfather, I've already done what you asked me to do. I can return to that county and end my term, right?"

Old Master Jiang's face became even sterner.

"There's no need for you to go back to that small county now," he said. "You can go directly to South City and become the chief there."

A cold smile appeared on Jiang Tao's face as he said, "Grandfather, this is different from what we agreed on back then.

"After the engagement ceremony, I was supposed to leave Beijing to return to my post. However, you wanted me to stay to develop a relationship with Qin Yan, so I stayed.

"At the same time, you wanted me to gain connections with the Qin Family. I did that as well.

"You wanted to slowly take up the responsibility of the family and I did. "Over the past two months, I did everything you asked me to.

"Now, I hope grandfather will abide by our terms and allow me to return to that small county to finish my term as the chief."

Grandfather Jiang was getting more and more satisfied with this grandson, but his heart was getting more and more displeased.

He was satisfied because this grandson was worthy of being the Jiang family's heir.He was obedient, cold-hearted, and courageous.

He used two months to test his grandson's qualification to manage the Jiang Family, and Jiang Tao had passed all the tests with flying colors.

He had displeasure because his grandson grew more distant from him. His attitude was getting colder, becoming more of a machine.

Old Master Jiang wanted to nurture a cold-blooded and ruthless heir to the family, but it didn't mean that he wanted his grandson to be frosty towards him. Which grandparent didn't want their grandchildren's love?

The old man was playing with a double standard. He wanted the heir to be cold-blooded and heartless, even to his parents, but he wanted this heir to be affectionate towards him. How was that possible?

However, Old Master Jiang was too stubborn to admit he was wrong.

A flash of displeasure flashed through Old Master Jiang's weathered eyes. He said unhappily, "That place is a dump. Why would you want to return?"

Jiang Tao remained silent. His eyes were ice-cold as he stared straight at his grandfather.

Old Master Jiang's pupils constricted. He then waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it. If you want to go, then go. However, Jiang Tao, grandfather hopes that you will remember that you only have two months left in that place."

Jiang Tao nodded and said, "Thank you, grandfather. I'll remember it."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

When he boarded the plane and looked at the quiet blue sky outside the window, he sighed in his heart and asked, 'Xiao Lingyu, how have you been these two months?' As he muttered these words, his expression flashed with longing, pain, and struggle.

He knew that ever since he agreed to marry the Qin family and got engaged to Qin Yan, he no longer had the right to be obsessed with Xiao Lingyu. He did not even dare to miss her.

However, he still wanted to breathe the same air as Xiao Lingyu before his final imprisonment. He wanted to see her again.


At the Qin family, the attendant reported to Qin Yan, "Miss, young master Jiang has already left on a plane. The flight is heading towards City

Qin Yan didn't love Jiang Tao, but she had no choice. When Jiang Tao asked her to break off the engagement, it injured her pride. Even if she didn't like Jiang Tao, she didn't allow Jiang Tao not to like her.

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