Chapter 976-980

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Chapter 976: Solve the Problem

Translator: Lonelytree
If their elder brother and sister-in-law didn't need An Yang anymore, it would be equivalent to cutting off their source of income. This was simply taking their lives.

Moreover, Father An said that he wouldn't pay for their living expenses anymore.

How could this be?

Without them paying, what would An Yang for his marriage? He needed at least a hundred thousand RMB.

Although An Yang's parents had some money in their hands, they could not bear to take it out. They were saving it for old age. They wanted An Yang to get married and they wanted to have grandchildren. They needed the money from their big brother and big sister-in-law.

After second uncle An recovered from his shock, his expression became a little stiff. He tugged at his lips and asked in disbelief, "Big brother, did you say something wrong? You don't need An Yang anymore? Even if you're not willing to fork out money to help An Yang marry a wife, don't use this excuse!"

Second uncle an did not believe the words of his eldest brother and sister-in-law at all. He was more inclined to believe that his eldest brother and sister-in-law were not willing to fork out money for An Yang's marriage.

As if he had thought this through, second uncle An took a deep breath and said, "Eldest brother and sister-in-law, if you think that a million is too much, then how about this? Just give me 800,000. No, 600,000 will do. We have to get An Yang married first, right?"

When the security guard heard such shameless words, he was stunned.

What kind of logic was this? His own son was marrying a wife, and he wanted his elder brother and sister-in-law to pay for it?

The security guard really wanted to laugh, but after looking around, he did not dare to laugh out loud. He could only hold it in.

Xiao Wang did not beat around the bush with them. He said with a serious expression, "Are you guys stupid? Uncle and aunt have made it very clear that they do not need your son, An Yang, to continue the family line. Naturally, they will no longer be responsible for everything that happens to An Yang. They will also no longer pay for An Yang's marriage."

An Yang had not made a sound previously because his parents were the ones talking.

Now that he heard Xiao Wang and looked at Xiao Wang's appearance, the bad premonition in his heart grew even stronger. His face immediately darkened and he could not help but blurt out, "Who are you? What does our family's business have to do with you? My aunt and uncle don't need me anymore? Why?"

Xiao Wang didn't get angry. He said with a silly smile, "Uncle and aunt don't need you anymore because in the future, my son will take care of them!"

"What did you say?" Three voices sounded in disbelief, and their eyes widened. "How is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Xiao Wang looked at them with a trace of contempt, "I'm married to Xiaohui. Our son's surname will be an An, so he's naturally uncle and aunt's biological grandson. He can look after auntie and uncle."

Hearing Xiao Wang's words, second uncle An immediately understood the meaning behind his words. Immediately, his shocked expression turned into disdain and contempt. He looked at father An and said with a sneer, "Big Brother, so you have found a live-in son-in-law for that girl? No wonder you are full of disdain for us. Big Brother, sister-in-law, aren't you afraid that when you return to the village, you will be criticized, ridiculed, and looked down upon by others?"

This was how their village was.

Those who got live-in son-in-law would be heavily ridiculed.

Father An was not angry and appeared unusually calm.

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