Chapter 501-505

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Chapter 501 Xiao Tong's Arrival

"Ah... Ah..."

In the delivery room, screams of pain could be heard.

Gong Tianhao stood outside the delivery room, scratching his head as he paced back and forth.

From time to time, he would stand at the door and constantly ask the nurse guarding the door, "My wife is screaming so loudly, and there is pain in her voice. Let me in. I am her husband, and I want to accompany her."

There were no nurses guarding the door of the delivery room initially, but Gong Tianhao, the husband, kept ringing the doorbell, demanding entry.

Doctor Qin Shumin could not take it anymore and sent a nurse to guard the door. Before the child arrived, the man was not allowed to enter.

The nurse guarding the door shook her head politely to block Gong Tianhao.

The nurse's eyes flashed with envy. This handsome man must really love the women inside. Otherwise, he would not have been so concerned.'

Gong Tianhao was rejected again. He scratched the back of his head anxiously and said, "When will this be over? She has already been in the delivery room for two hours."

The nurse rolled her eyes and thought to herself, 'That's just two hours. Many women have to be in labor for more.'

The nurse smiled and said, "Don't worry. Since Doctor Qin didn't say anything, it means that your wife is safe. Sir, don't worry. Your wife will be able to give birth safely."

This nurse was specially arranged by the director to serve Xiao Lingyu.

Gong Tianhao had heard this many times, but he was still worried. He had never been through this before, so he had no idea how long the labor process would be. He had no idea how painful it was either.

"Tianhao, you can sit here for a while." Father Xiao couldn't stand it anymore and advised, "Doctor Qin and your mother are inside. Nothing will happen."

Gong Tianhao asked anxiously, "But dad, Yu 'Er has already been in there for more than two hours."

Father Xiao smiled and comforted him, "That's nothing. When your mother gave birth to Yu 'Er, she spent more than ten hours in the ward. That's how it is. Some have it short, and for the others, it'll be a long process."

Gong Tianhao was still worried. "But Yu 'Er's water had already broken when she was pushed into the ward. Is there really no problem?"

Grandma Xiao immediately stopped him. "Gong Tianhao, don't you jinx it. No one can control how long the labor will be."

"Hehe, Tianhao, come and sit for a while. Don't worry about it." Third Uncle Xiao smiled and said, "You're infecting us with your nervousness."

Childbirth was very risky. There was a Chinese saying that a woman giving birth was like a walk through the Gates of Hell.

"That's right, Tianhao. Don't worry," Grandma Xiao said with a smile.

Just as Grandma Xiao finished speaking, the sound of a baby crying could be heard from the delivery room.

Everyone was stunned for a moment before they reacted and said, "The child is here!"

"Haha. Yu 'Er has given birth." Father Xiao laughed loudly.

Gong Tianhao also reacted and said in a daze, "The child is here. The child is here."

After a while, Mother Xiao carried the child out.

When everyone saw this, they immediately surrounded her and the new addition to the family.

Mother Xiao smiled and said, "The child is here. The boy is seven catties and two taels!"

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