Chapter 441-445

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Chapter 441 The Truth is Revealed

There were two photos on the ground. One of the photos landed on its back and the one on the front. The one showing up was the one with Gong Tianhao and Xiao Lingyu.

When Qin Yan saw this photo, her blood drained, and she was extremely pale. It was as if she had fallen into an icy lake. She felt like her body had turned purple. After a moment, she became stiff and could no longer stand. She was on the verge of collapsing.

'This photo... How can it be?'

Qin Yan's mind was completely blank at this moment. 'It is supposed to be a picture of Jiang Tao and this woman. How did it become a picture of Gong Tianhao and the woman?'

Well, it was originally a picture of Gong Tianhao and this woman. She had asked someone to change Gong Tianhao to Jiang Tao. Nothing else was touched.

Qin Yan was certain that someone as conceited as Old Master Jiang would believe that a junior like her wouldn't dare to play tricks on him. Therefore, he wouldn't find time to question her 'evidence.'

As for the method she had used to deliver the photo to him, she knew Old Master Jiang wouldn't mind it.

Based on Leng Feiyang's investigation, the woman in the picture was just a rural girl. Even with Gong Tianhao's protection, Old Master Jiang would deal with her easily.

So what was happening? Where did things go wrong? Why were things different from what she expected? Why would Old Master Jiang suddenly decide to look into the picture? This was completely unlike him. Qin Yan was flustered. She squatted down and picked up the photo on the ground with her pale fingertips.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with fear and unease as she looked at Old Master Jiang. She anxiously explained, "Grandpa... Grandpa, No... It's not like that. I... I don't know what's going on at all. Someone is trying to frame me..." Even Butler Jiang frowned and looked disappointed, much less Old Master Jiang. Even when the evidence was so concrete, Miss Qin was still unwilling to admit her mistake. Did she think that she could fool Old Master Jiang? Furthermore, with Old Master Jiang's status, why would he make fake evidence to deal with a junior like her? Why was Miss Qin so stubborn?

Old Master Jiang placed the teacup on the table heavily. It clanged. He stared with his sharp and astute eyes. He asked with an indifferent tone, "Miss Qin, are you saying that this old man is trying to frame you?" Qin Yan's breathing stopped. She thought to herself, 'Not good! I said the wrong thing.' If she had admitted her mistake, Old Master Jiang might forgive her. She forgot that the thing Old Master Jiang hated the most in the world was to be tricked and lied to. Plus, he wouldn't have come to her if he hadn't possessed concrete evidence.

She had gotten things wrong! Finally, Qin Yan snapped back to attention. She quickly tried to make up for her mistake. She immediately said, "Grandfather, I was wrong." Old Master Jiang snorted coldly. His tone was filled with disdain and ridicule as he said indifferently, "Hmph. How are you wrong? Miss Qin, if there's someone who is wrong, that's me for trusting you. Because of you, I've suffered a huge loss."

Qin Yan felt the whole incident was surreal. She became more nervous. She was certain that there was something else behind this.

"Grandpa, please don't say that." Qin Yan was so scared that she started to cry, "I... I was too afraid to admit my mistake. I was afraid that Grandpa would blame me and not like me anymore." This time, Qin Yan was not acting. She was very scared. Even her voice was trembling.

"Grandpa." Qin Yan saw that Old Master Jiang only pursed his lips and looked at her coldly. Qin Yan panicked. No matter how smart and scheming she was, at that moment, she didn't know what to do. How could she save this situation?

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