Chapter 3

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Caitlyn and Luke cantered through the paddocks, tired from the race - stopping only to open gates. The pair heard thunder in the distance and Caitlyn flinched.

Luke looked nervously at Caitlyn, he knew she didn't like storms after what happened to her mother.

There was a tree across the path in front of them so they turned their terrified horses around and galloped to the trees where they wouldn't get hit by lightning but there was always the danger of a falling tree. Luke knew a back way home so they took that way.

He moved Mayria closer to Straton as they slowed to a walk due to the rocky paddock. He draped his arm around her shoulders as they walked, wishing he could comfort her more than he was.

Caitlyn was pulled out of her daydream as rain started to fall on her, already soaking her; though it had just been a few seconds. She was glad she had worn her blue shirt, not the white one.

When she and Luke had been younger, they used to just play in the rain, storm or not, but now she knew the possible repercussions of that.

The storm started to close in and they still had probably another 15 kilometres to go. The horses spooked and the people watched in horror as - just 500 metres from them - a tree was obliterated by a lightning strike.

Debris fell around them from the tree. Straton edged nervously and turned his head to see if Caitlyn was okay. Mayria however, leapt up in the air, once she landed, she reared up a little, thrashing at the air to try and fend the storm off.

Thankfully nothing big had been thrown their way, only leaves and small twigs. Caitlyn urged Straton to go faster, he was willing, wanting to get home. Mayria was a little more difficult, she tried to get the bit in her teeth to get home quicker, but if they went too fast, they might be injured.

Luke followed Caitlyn's actions, becoming increasingly worried for her safety as they proceeded through the gauntlet of the storm. Mayria picked up on his anxiety and became even more agitated, she was foaming at the mouth and she kept throwing it everywhere when she tossed her head.

Out of nowhere; a bolt of lightning hit the enormous ghost gum right near them, throwing leaves, limbs, splinters and branches everywhere.

Caitlyn screamed as Mayria reared to an almost vertical position. She watched in horror as Luke slipped from the wet saddle. She wanted to look away but did not have time to react.

"LUKE!" She screamed, but to her it was muted, there was no noise, no storm, just the sound of his body hitting the ground.

Caitlyn threw herself off of Straton but sunk to the ground the second she hit it, utterly helpless as she watched Mayria stumble backwards from the sharp angle and then gallop in her blind terror; right over Luke. Caitlyn held her face in her hands as she sobbed, not wanting to watch Mayria inevitably stumble over Luke and... She couldn't bear to think what else.

Mayria bolted through the paddock as another bolt of lightning hit a tree in a paddock about a kilometre away. Straton moved closer to Caitlyn, trying to shield her from all of this whilst Mayria disappeared into the night.

Caitlyn leant over Luke's body and felt a weak heartbeat. Her heart soared. "Luke." She stated, searching his face, wanting him to tell her he was okay, "y-you have to be okay!"

She sobbed, yet no one could tell because of the rain. She bit on the sleeve of her shirt a little to stop herself from screaming. Luke coughed, blood stains apparent all over his cream shirt.

"I'll get the medical kit, you'll be ok." Caitlyn said, trying to sound assertive whilst crying.

"Cait, no." She looked at him in the eye. "I can't let you die." She whispered, her voice barely audible. She began to stand up. Luke's expression became more pained as he sped up his words.

"Cait, it's no use, now listen to me." He coughed again.

"No!" She exclaimed, leaning over his body into his chest, ignoring all the blood. Luke winced at this but didn't say anything. He could feel his strength ebbing away.

Luke gently held her beautiful face in his bloodied hand, mustering his strength. "Listen to me," she locked eyes with him and nodded, knowing her small voice would not be heard over the storm.

"I care about you." He began. "I know. I'm going to get you out of here, don't worry-" Caitlyn said; looking into his eyes. "No, Cait, listen, there's nothing you can do, just listen." He pleaded. Coughing yet again; he tried to suppress it quickly, knowing he didn't have much time left.

Caitlyn held her hand out to silence him as she stood again to get the medical kit. "You're going to be alright." Yet her voice shook.

He grabbed her arm and weakly pulled her down beside him, but she did not have the strength to fight it. "Cait, you need to listen."

"More than that - I don't just care about you." He coughed, grunting in pain, trying to control his coughing fit and ignore the pounding ring in his head. "Ever since I saw you -" he coughed again, saying something but Caitlyn couldn't cohere.

"-But didn't know if you returned my feelings." He seeme conflicted, as if he was considering telling her or not, it was obviously very important to him.  Caitlyn held his hand, trying to hold him there as she looked at him anxiously, not about to let him leave her.

"I-I L-" He squeaked. His face contorted in pain once more. He seemed to visibly relax as if a weight was released from his shoulders before the life slipped from his limbs.

It's finally Straton Saturday! No school for TWO WHOLE DAYS!! Eeeeeek!!

About the chapter now....

I know! I'm sorry, you must all hate me...

Honestly this chapter was so hard to write! Blegh, the feels... I'm nearly crying in class right now...

Please comment, vote or whatever!

-ze ausor of zis book

and a horse called StratonWhere stories live. Discover now