Chapter 24: Its A New Day.

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Nikki's POV
"I can't believe you Nikki at a fucking club acting like-like a whore!" It's been a week since the club and Brie told Phil. "Phil please I was drunk I wasn't thinking, baby I'm sorry." I held his hand and he ripped it away. "No Nikki I can't trust you," he groaned "You disrespected me, yourself. Do you realize that Nicole you let men take advantage of you have some respect for yourself your worth more you deserve better, that's what I was giving you! I treated you better than you treat yourself and you throw that away! And for what? So you can get drunk and act like there would be no repercussions?!" He looked at me with heartbreak and betrayal written on his face and it's all my fault. "I know what I did was wrong I shouldn't have left with the girls I should have stayed with you, Phil I love you." I was interrupted when he punched a mirror and was bleeding everywhere. "Oh my god! Phil." I knelt down next to him and picked the glass out of his arm. "I'm so sorry." I started to cry as I cleaned his arm. "I just need time Nikki, you hurt me you were wearing the ring that's signifies our love our soon to be marriage while you were all over another man!" He got up and went to the bathroom as I sat on the floor and cried. Not knowing where my relationship will lead scared me, I was horrified at the thought of losing Phil, losing hope losing everything.
Seth's POV
I sat on the couch while Brie changed Eleanor's diaper, we have the next two days off and we plan on having family time just Me, Brie and Elly. "Babe?" "Yeah Brie?" She walked into the room with El in her arms. "Can we talk?" She sounded upset I became nervous. "Of course baby, sit." She put Eleanor in my arms and sat next to me. "What's bothering you honey?" I asked as I put my arm around her shoulders she leaned her head on my shoulder and looked at Elly half asleep in my lap. "This whole thing with Nikki and Phil I feel like it's all my fault, she won't even talk to me." I rubbed her arm as she talked. "Brianna this isn't your fault Nikki messed up you got her out before things got worse, you told Phil because he had a right to know Nikki was being dishonest with him she can't do that if she wants to marry him." She sighed "I don't think their getting married." "Well pumpkin that's their issue to discuss they might work it out. You never know." She kissed my cheek then brought Eleanor to her room for a nap. I yelled out a quick 'I love you' which she returned but a part of me couldn't help but think about if something like that were to happen with me and Brianna, I'd be heart broken my world would crash and burn without my girls, my family.
Layla's POV
I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when I'm around Dean ever since last week he helped me give Eleanor a bath but he would keep rubbing my arm and back telling me how beautiful I looked I was broken out of my thoughts by Roman walking in "Hey baby how's my beautiful girl?" "I'm good honey." I smiled and kissed him back "and how's our princess doing?" He said putting his head down to kiss my super pregnant belly. "What makes you so confident it's a girl?" He shrugged his shoulders "Just a hunch I guess." I held his hand "But what if it's a boy, would you be upset?" He sat down next to me and held me. " Layla no matter the sex of our baby I will love him or her to the best of my ability." He kissed my forehead "And don't you dare worry about my love for you or our baby because it is an undying love and affection and to prove that." He got down on one knee "Layla El you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me and our baby is a blessing and I plan on being by your side through thick and thin I vow to be the greatest father I can be the greatest husband I can be and to make that official all you have to do is say one word, will you marry me?" He pulled out a diamond ring from his pocket silent tears fell from his crystal eyes. "Yes! Oh god yes! I'll marry you." I couldn't help but cry my life was coming together beautifully I couldn't ask for more because I didn't need more.
Dean's POV
I don't know what I was thinking with Lay the other night I think I was drunk I acted so inappropriate towards her, but I couldn't think about that now because I was sitting next to my girlfriend, Paige. We started dating a little over a month now and they have been pretty great, probably should have said something sooner right? Oops. Paige really gets me and she likes how crazy I am, mainly because she's not sane herself but we make each other happy that's what counts. "Babe we should go to the movies or something." She said as she relaxed in my arms. "Or we could watch a movie here, or even better we could pretend to watch a movie and make out?" I said with a smirk as she smiled "Option 3 it is." She said as she straddled my lap, yeah I'm ready to slow down. Every wolf needs a pack right?

And that's it! The last chapter I know it wasn't anything spectacular but I wanted to leave things opened and unanswered because I will be making a sequel it won't be as long and it won't be soon because I have three other books in the making and will release them periodically. And The beginning of this book was rough like I don't even know what I was doing half the time so I apologize for all the bogus storylines and things I forgot to continue. And please read my other book out now called Broken, it would mean a lot. Leave comments and feedback I hope you enjoyed it!!

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