Chapter 21: 2 years later

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This is the 2nd to last chapter, we left off with Nikki and Punk becoming close, Roman and Layla getting hot, and Seth and Brie on bad terms. These last two chapters will be tying together missing parts and loose ends. It takes place two years into the future.

Layla's POV
"Oh gosh this week has been absolutely crazy!" I said as Roman and I walked into the arena, he was carrying our bags as I was carrying our unborn child of 4 months in my belly. "I know baby girl but it's almost over then we can go home and I can take care of you." He said as he kissed my head. We walked into the locker room to see Seth with his head in his hands. "Layla sit down baby, hey Seth what's wrong?" I sat as told and Roman sat next to the distraught Seth. "It's Brie man, I mean we made up awhile back but ever since Eleanor was born Brie's gone crazy. Look I gotta go find them I'll see you guys later." Seth spoke with an annoyance and tiredness in his voice. "Later man" Roman said as he walked over to me putting his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head and whispered a quick "I love you."
Seth's POV
Two years ago Brie wouldn't even talk to me she was pregnant with our now born 16 month old baby girl Eleanor, Brie and I have made up and now are living in a beautiful home back in Iowa. Eleanor is to young for preschool so she's on the road with us. Like I said to Roman Brie's gone crazy, she's always super paranoid that something will happen to our daughter and always comes to me for protection which I have no problem with but she goes over bored at times. I walked into catering to see my baby girl's face light up she started bouncing in her seat saying "dadda dadda" I walked over to her and picked her up and held her in my arms "Hi princess" I smiled and kissed her cheek, then looked down at Brie "and hello beautiful" I leaned in and kissed Brianna then took a seat next to her holding Eleanor. "Sethie are you okay baby?" "Yeah I'm fine why?" "Well you look pale I don't want you to get her sick." I placed a hand on her knee "Sweetheart I'm fine, she won't get sick. Okay? Just relax." She sighed and nodded while stroking the side of my face and played with my beard which made Eleanor do the same.
Nikki's POV
Punk and I were in the back watching a monitor at RAW over the last two years I have moved on from Dean and have gotten so close to Phil that we are currently engaged. I may not be pregnant or have a baby just yet but the two of us are very happy with each other's company and are enjoying the time we spend together. I haven't talked to Dean since that horrible night and I don't plan on talking to him ever again, anyway tonight is girls night minus Layla she said she wanted to be at home relaxing and I agree I only invited her because she's my best friend and it's rude not to, so after RAW a few of the girls and I our going out while the guys hang out at Layla's place with Roman. "Babe you okay? You look sad" punk said while lifting my chin to look at him "I'm fine I just feel a little sick." I said curling into his arms "Nicole I don't want you going out if you don't feel well." "I'll be fine I need to let loose." I kissed him and said our goodbyes as I went to Layla's locker room to check on her while Roman had his match.
Dean's POV
I know what your all thinking I'm a horrible person for what I did to Nikki, but what you don't know is that i caught Nikki in bed with John those x amount of years ago. She broke my heart and I just returned the favor. Since then Emma and I broke up, I'm more of a lone wolf anyway. I broke up with Emma because we are in two different worlds she's sweet and adorable I'm a jerk and mean, not to forget Emma still has her v-card and I respect that she deserves better than me. I was walking around the area until I ran into Eve her and I were off and on for a little while but I realized I was only with her because the sex was good but I have decided to slow down and find someone for the long run.
Roman and Layla's house
Layla's POV
The guys came over to hang out while the girls went out. It was me, Roman, Seth, Eleanor, Dean and Phil. Things with Dean and Phil are really awkward for not only them but everyone around them so for tonight they choose to be civil and kind to one another for my sake, I sat on the couch rubbing my tummy and talking to Dean while everyone else watched the hockey game. "How are you Lay? Do you need anything?" He said as he softly stroked my stomach Roman and I have decided to make Dean the godfather for our baby, we know he'll be amazing at it. "Oh no thanks, Dean I'm fine I actually have to give Eleanor a bath right now so Seth can watch the game." My attention turned to the 16 month old girl "Elly go to auntie Lay for a bath" Seth said to her she soon came running and smiling as she took my had "let me help you" Dean placed his hand on my back and guided me and El to the bathroom.
Girls night at the bar
Third person POV
The girls were dressed to the nines and planed on having a great time tonight. It was Brie, Nikki, Emma, Alicia, and Paige. The danced until there heels broke off which Nikki's did the alcohol got the best of her and she continued to dance to the point her dress went up and everyone loved the view. Brie on the other hand didn't have as much fun she didn't drink or dance, she couldn't stop thinking about Eleanor. She was broken out of her thoughts when Paige sat down the young Brit rubbed Brie's back obviously seeing the disappointment on her face "I should be home with my baby now not her with my drunkin sister, wait is she letting that man touch her down- ugh" Brie jumped out of her seat and to her sister "Nikki! What the hell are you doing?!" She turned to yell at the man "Who are you?! Why are you touching her! Get away" she pulled her sister out of the bar/club with all their friends behind them. Nikki whispered to her sister, "don't tell Phil."

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