Chapter 7: ''Back to Lamark''

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5 years ago...

Back at the clinical looking place, the transparent walls are gone, except on one wall which faces the center of the floor. As the grates in the floor come into focus, it gets hinted that we're not on the same floor as we've already seen. Below the grates are large fans slowly turning, circulating air up through the grates. The transparent wall of each room also has a curtain that can cover the entire wall. The curtain is on the outside. Inside one of these chambers, lies the boy, now grown into a Teen. He's currently got his goatlike face and is throwing a ball of the yellow material up at the ceiling, not quite reaching it, and catching it as it comes down. From the slaps it makes on impact with his hand, it's clear that the ball is quite heavy. [They've got a baby on top floor that disappears,] a voice speaks in his head. The ball dissolves in an arc of sparks as it descends and his face turns human. His eyes are a brownish orange. The hair on his head is coarse and fur-like. [Whaddyawant Stella?] he answers with a tired expression. [And how you even doin' this? I thought youdave to see me?] [Seems just seeing your ugly goatface in my mind's eye is enough, Marky,] the voice returns. The boy makes a face and turns his head towards the transparent wall. Across a corner he can barely make out another transparent wall, the curtain is shifting slightly in the breeze generated by the fans under the floor. He smirks. [You think of me? Or are you peeping out when the curtain is moved by the fans?] he asks. [And it's Lamark. I've agreed to call you by your chosen name, so reci-- reciper.. return the favour.] He frowns as he struggles with the word. [Busted, I guess. Anyway, it's reciprocate, Lamark Goatface. So the baby can disappear. Mama Ashley let slip it's giving them trouble.] [Whydoah need to know this?] the boy gets up and rises from the bunk, going to a box that looks like a washing machine. The 'washing machine' turns out to open and reveal a toilet. [It's new,] comes the answer, followed quickly by [hey, what're you doing?] He answers, [Peeing, why?] [Oh. Good. Just.. I picked up on a sense of release from you. Thought you might.. you know, like two months ago?] There's a teasing melody to the words. The boy visibly blushes as he covers the toilet once more and washes his hands in a sink on top of the box. His lips twitch and he looks focused. [Oh, sorry, did you say something, Lamark? I cut you off.] the other voice returns. [You're mean,] the boy retorts. [Mean? Oh my sweet summer child. Doesn't Papa Brand teach you how to swear and curse? Mama Ashley does for me. Except, she doesn't know it. Stupid cow. You know, we still do 'what number am I thinking of' every now and then? Anyway, why feel bad. It was.. nice. Fun. We could.. do it again, if you wanted to. Someday?]

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