A Look Alike?!

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(You guys seemed to like the last chapter more then you should have -_-. I'd like you to know it physically hurt me to write that. I died twice and cried thrice..... Anyways- let's do this!)

After all the mushy stuff. The just stood there hugging each other. They both had a smile on their faces.

The Cinderace gasped "Ah! Hold on! Lemmie go get something!" She said as she broke the hug.

"Hm? What is it? Did you forget something?" The Lucario asked.

"No! I just need to go get something for us!" She smiled as she began to run off. "Stay here! I'll be back!" She smiled.

Just like that. She was gone.

Lu just kinda stood there. "Wonder where's she'd be going." He mumbled to himself.

He walked over to a nearby tree. He sat leaning against it, with his hands behind his head. This seemed familiar.

He was sitting there for about 25 minutes and was starting to worry about where she could have gone to. He didn't expect her to take this long.

He contemplated going and finding her, but then he heard something in the bushes. He looked over, thinking it was Cindy.


Another Lucario?

It looked upset. The Lucario's looked at each other.

Lu watched as the other ran off.

"How strange..." He mumbled.

The other Lucario seemed to be looking for something. Someone.

Cindy was currently on her way back. She had a big surprise for Lu, and needed to get back quickly.

However. She ended up bumping into the other Lucario instead.

The Lucario tried to get around her, as he was still looking for someone. But the Cinderace blocked him.

"Hey Lu!" She smiled.

The Lucario just stared and tried to get past her again.

"Hello? Did you not hear me? I said hey!" She said.

The Lucario again stared at her, and tried once more to get past her.

She blocked its way again.

He sighed. "What? I'm looking for someone. You're not that someone." He said.

She tilted her head "Are you mad because I made you wait?" She asked.

He blinked. "Listen. I have no idea who the hell you are. So you can either back up, or face me." He said.

"You're silly!" She giggled.

The Lucario was getting really annoyed.

"In have something for you! Its really special!" She smiled.

"Look, I really need to-"

She reached behind her and pulled out an Ice cream cone. "Try it!"

"No." The Lucario said "I don't want it. I don't know what it is or who you even are." He said.

She pushed it closer to his mouth "C'mon! Its delicious!" She smiled.

"Get that away from me!" He yelled, taking a step back.

She stepped closer "It would be so awesome! It would be so cool!" She said. She ended up stumbling forward and the ice cream ended up touching the Lucario's cheek.

The Lucario looked really angry.

"Oh! Sorry Lu!" She giggled as he reached up to wipe it off. "Maybe I coul-"

The Lucario slapped her hand away. "You don't listen well."

From the slap, it also sent the ice cream flying into a tree. Cindy looked shocked that he'd do this. "Hey! That's not-"

The Lucario pushed her down, with no warning, he then swiped at her face, scratching her.

She screamed.

"What did I tell you?! I said I didn't want it! Now look what happened. All you had to do was listen! You stupid Cinderace!" He yelled.

He lifted up his paw again, as if he'd hit her again. She covered her face with her arms.

The Lucario just sighed. "Just fuck off." He said. He then walked away. Leaving her there crying.

Cindy was confused as to why her friend would do this. After all, they just made up! In her mind, yet again, he hated her. But in reality. It was just....

A Look Alike.

A time for love? (Cinderace x Lucario)Where stories live. Discover now