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Clarify walked around in the forest looking around. "Hmmm.... Where's my Anthony at? I know Claude has his, but where's mine..." Clarify mumbled.

Clarify then heard the faint sound of crying in the distance. "Oh no. What plot details do I have to fix now?" He asked himself as he ran over to the noise.

When he got there, he was quick to notice the Lucario lying lifelessly on the ground. His gaze then focused to the crying Cinderace.

"....Okay... I can fix this." Clarify said as he crawled over to the Cinderace. "Hello there little bunny!" The Pikachu smiled up at her.

The Cinderace peeked over at the Pikachu. She then scooted away from it and kept sniffling a bit. "G-go away!" Cindy said as he wiped her eyes.

"Why should I? I can sense you're hurting!" Clarify smiled. "Is it because your friend there is hurt?" He asked.

Cindy heard the word 'Hurt'. She noticed how he referred to it as hurt instead of dead. "So he's alive?!" She asked.

"Oh no darling, he's dead. Really dead. I mean I'm not sure what happened.... But yeah he's dead. Hurt isn't an option." Clarify smiled. He wasn't trying to be an asshole- it just- kinda came out that way.

Cindy started crying again.

"I shouldn't have said that.." Clarify mumbled. "Oh! I can help! I can fix him!" Clarify smiled.

"Shut up and just go away you crazy Pikachu!" Cindy said.

"Well yes. I am indeed crazy, but I can help! I really can!" He smiled.

She looked at him "You're starting to annoy me little Pikachu." She said.

Clarify took off his hat and reached in. "So what you need is a revival!"

"A revive won't work! Head dead!" Cindy cried out

"Not a revive. Revival! A revive is when a Pokemon faints. A Revival is for situations like this. When he's dead." Clarify Clarified.

He then pulled out a potion. A bottle of purple liquid. "This." He smiled as he crawled over to Lu.

Cindy followed and watched, making sure Clarify didn't try anything.

It pained her to be this close to his body, but she had a sliver of hope that Clarify was trustable.

Clarify was still smiling. Clarify didn't understand the seriousness of this. He saw death as a small Inconvenience.

Cindy saw death as a horror.

And Lu? Lu saw death face to face.

Lu had been transported into a dark space. His body was light. He could feel, yet he couldn't touch.

He was a physical being, he was conscious. He knew he was dead, but he couldn't realize it.

He sat there in darkness. Lu was... Calm. Very calm.

"I don't like this." Lu spoke to himself.

"I can help you."

Lu looked around "Who said-"

"Shhhh. Don't worry. Be not afraid my son."

It was a calm voice. A low voice. Lu quickly trusted the being, even though he couldn't see it.

"You crave vengeance. Power against a greater evil. Lu. You crave destruction."

Lu nodded "I crave destruction." Lu repeated.

"I. I shall give you the power. You'll be powerful Lu."

"I do not wish to have such power." Lu said "Such destructive power would not only ruin the life of earth, but me as well."

"You are correct. But in a situation like this. I'll make an exception."

"I do not wish to have this power forever. Maybe a temporary power?"

"Are you a mind reader? Lu. You will get the power when the time comes. The power that can destroy evil, and only evil spirits. Everything else, left unharmed."

"I'd enjoy that. But sir. I have no way of getting home."

"You're already home Lu. Just wake up."

Wake up?

The Pikachu smiled as he poured the liquid all over Lu.

The blood turned to a patch of flowers around Lu.

Lu's eyes shot open. He sat up and looked around. His eyes falling to Clarify.

"Welcome back my son. Did you enjoy our little conversation?" Clarify said in a calm low voice.

Lu instantly felt relaxed by Clarify. "Y-You were the one who-"

Clarify nodded "Lu. I've given you the power of a technical god. Use it wisely. And remember. Evil can be destroyed, for what by the pure cannot." Clarify said.

Cindy was having a hard time keeping up with the situation.

Lu nodded "Yes sir. For the evil shall fall, there by the pure must stay." Lu said.

Clarify nodded. "I'll be watching. I always am. And by the way, if you see a Riolu named Anthony. Bring him to me. You'll know where I lie." Clarify smiled.

Though Clarify wasn't specific. Something he did intentionally. Just to cause a bit of chaos in the upcoming chapters.

Clarify then ran off. With a smile on his face for what was to come.

Cindy rushed over to Lu and immediately started crying.

LU didn't get a word out before he was brought into a hug. "Lu! You're back! Please don't fight again! I don't want that to happen to you again! I'm so sorry I didn't believe you! This wouldn't have happened!" Cindy went on and on.

"Cindy. It's okay. You just made a mistake, it's repaired now." He smiled at her. He then looked her dead in the eyes. "Cindy. For as long as evil rises. I, the anti-evil shall rise as well." Lu said.

"What?" Cindy didn't understand.

"Luke is an evil. I the anti to his ways." Lu said again.

"Lu. Stop. Tell me in a sensible way." Cindy demanded CALMLY

"I have to fight him again."

"Lu! I won't let y-"

Lu kissed Cindy.

Cindy blushed, not expecting that.

"Cindy. I can't let him get away with what he's done. He's a monster. He must fall. If I die, I'll just be brought back. For I must be the one that destroys evil." Lu said.

Cindy stared at him blushed. She then hugged him and burried her face into his chest, avoiding the iron spike of course. "Be safe." She said.

"You have my word."

((So sorry for the constant riddles and confusing wordings!!!))

A time for love? (Cinderace x Lucario)Where stories live. Discover now