12. Milkshakes

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Yunho's POV:

I wake up and start to make a milkshake while I remember yesterday's date with Min. He's so cute that I want to keep him in a small box and protect him from everything. And I had the chance to see a bit of his body. I told him what's true: he has a beautiful body. But I don't know what he thought of mine. Maybe I showed too much. But he asked me to do so. Does he like me? For real? Why am I so lucky to have him? Why is he so perfect? I want to know if he has any imperfections because right now I only see good qualities. But I'm sure I would love his little mistakes. Oh gosh! Why is my phone buzzing so much? I unlock it and I see a lot of messages in my friend group.


Woo 🦊
where r u???
you disappeared
you escaped with your snow-white
and you forgot about your friends

San ⛰️
that's true
where did you go with Mingi?
hope you didn't lock him in a tower

Hong 🐿️
wait what????
why didn't you tell me???

Hwa 🐇
is Mingi ok?

Yeo 👑
when did you go from here?

Jong 🐻
are u alive?

Ugh. I forgot to tell them about our little romantic date.

Yun ☀️
sorry everyone
i forgot
we went to the beach and we came back home without telling you
btw why are you just worried for him?
what about me?

Woo 🦊
i choose to believe you
if you're hiding something from us we'll find it out soon

Hwa 🐇
well at least you didn't kidnap him or sth
we were worried

Jong 🐻
that's what he says...

San ⛰️
and how was your date with him?

Yun ☀️
it wasn't a date

Hong 🐿️
but do you like him?

Woo 🦊
isn't it obvious?

Yun ☀️
i guess so

Yeo 👑
use protection guys

Jong 🐻
are you their mother or sth?

Yeo 👑
if you want i can be yours ;)

Hwa 🐇
guys stop this isn't about you

Hong 🐿️
if you like him try to be kind and trustworthy

San ⛰️
be attentive

Woo 🦊
and cook something delicious for him

Yun ☀️

is this delicious enough for you?

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is this delicious enough for you?

Yeo 👑
please make another one for me 🥺

Woo 🦊
okay it's a good start

Hong 🐿️
are you going to see him today?

Yun ☀️

Hwa 🐇
good luck then

Yun ☀️
thanks guys!

Let's make more milkshakes. Then he'll have different options to choose.

When I finish, I call Pizza to have a walk and get some snacks from the supermarket. She's too playful today. I'll make her run so that she stays calm later. I don't want her to throw the milkshakes on the floor. We go out and run to the supermarket. When we get there, I walk in and I choose a total of 10 snacks from the shelf. I pay for them and we run home. She's tired as I was expecting, but I'm sweating and I don't want to smell bad. I eat some pasta with mum and I have a shower.

Then I start to choose my outfit for the date.

- I'm leaving, Yunho. - my mum comes to my room and watches me. - Do you have a date?

- Actually I do.

- Wow! With who?

- Um the new neighbour.

- Do you like him?

- Yes, mum. He's coming here today to eat some snacks and drink a milkshake. Is it okay?

- Sure. Introduce him to me some day.

- Okay mum. I love you.

- Love you too.

That's one of the things I love from my mum. She doesn't overwhelm me. And she easily accepts the person I like. I only liked one boy before Mingi. Mum was so happy for me. It was 4 years ago, in highschool. His name was Liam, I was in love with him, he was in love with me. However, I discovered that he was dating someone else. I realised I didn't want to date someone who was a liar so I just talked to him and we decided not to meet each other again. It was hard for me but it was the best decision. Now we study in different universities so I've never seen him again.

I keep choosing my outfit. Okay, perfect. I prepare everything to make him feel comfortable and I wait for him to come.

Moonlight meets Sunshine [Yunho × Mingi]Where stories live. Discover now