Chapter 3

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Throughout the bus ride to Redshore City, the whole cast performed their show in the back of the bus. They caught the attention of the passengers and they watched them perform. Even the bus driver glanced over at them here and there. The passengers enjoyed the show. The next morning, the bus begins to arrive at the city. Buster was explaining something to Ash when Meena saw the buildings.

Meena: "Guys, we're here!"

Everyone looked out the window to see the large, gorgeous city, shining with many lights and attractions. The bus stops at a station and the cast exit.

Buster: "Alright! Let's go spread a little Moon Theater magic!"

The cast cheers as they walk towards a tall blue building that read 'Crystal Entertainment' at the top.

Hostess: "No!"

Buster: "No? What do you mean no?"

Hostess: "For the last time, sir. No appointment, no entry!"

Buster: "Uhm..."

Hostess: "Sir, do I need to call security?"

Rosita: "We should go."

Hostess: "Yeah, you should. Next please."

They get out of line frustrated.

Po: "Shocker."

Germur: "People are very rude these days."

Gunter: "This is so unfair. She's like totally unfair that lady."

Darma: "They must really hate us if they won't let us in."

Ash: "I mean, why does she have to be so snotty about it?"

Buster saw the others in line get in, then he saw a room with the door open. The door read 'Employees Only'.

Miss Crawly: "I got all dressed up for nothing."

Carla: "What now?"

Johnny: "Let's just find somewhere for lunch, then hang out..."

Buster: "Everyone in here! Quick! Get in!"

They rush inside the room and shut the door. The hostess heard the door and looked over to her right. Then got back to work. Everyone was crammed together in the small room. It was the janitor's room.

Gunter: "It's so dark in here! What's going on?"

Buster: "Shh. I gotta think. I gotta think."

He turns on the light.

Balto: "Think about what? Why are we in here?"

Meena: "Mr. Moon, I'm not so good in small spaces."

Pedro: "Is this your plan? Lock us in a tiny room?"

As Buster looked for an answer, he saw the employee of the month picture of the janitor named Ricky, who was an elephant. Then he saw the blue janitor suits.

Buster: "Aha! Look at this! Meena, do you think that's kinda your size?"

She glances at Johnny, wondering why he was asking.

Roberto: "What about the rest of us?"

Later on, Meena, disguised as a janitor slowly made her way across the floor on a sweeper as Bad Guy by Billie Eilish began playing in the background. The hostess saw her and assumed it was Ricky because Meena had the brush from a broom under her trunk, making it look like a mustache.

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