Chapter 12

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Jimmy was getting ready to go to bed in his mansion. He opens the door to his bathroom.

Jimmy: "Goodnight Porsha."

There was no answer. Because she was not in there. Jimmy assumed she was ignoring him.

Jimmy: "Alright be that way. I don't care. Spoiled little brat."

Buster was walking backstage with Rosita, Roberto, Ash, Porsha, and the Bad Guys.

Buster: "Alright, time to get us an audience."

Ash: "Wait, Moon, as soon as you start inviting folks in here, hotel security will just shut us down, right?"

Buster: "Oh it's okay. Rosita's got that covered."

Roberto: "Oh this should be good."

Rosita calls Norman.

Rosita: "Norman, release the piglets."

Norman takes the elevator to floor 17 where all the sweets were. The piglets rush out of the elevator and towards the counter. They knocked food over, ate it up, and caused chaos. The staff couldn't stop them as they were too quick. Even Norman grabbed a few cupcakes to snack on. A hotel bartender called for security.

"All security, we have a situation on floor 17. Repeat, all security to floor 17."

The security guards rush out of the camera room. One of the piglets swam in the chocolate fondue.


She jumps out before a staff member caught her. While the whole security rushed up the escalators, a screen turned on. It showed Buster looking into the camera.

Buster: "Is it on? Oh now? Yes yes yes."

He backs away and begins speaking.

Buster: "Good evening! My name is Buster Moon. And it is my great pleasure to present to you for one night only in the Crystal Tower theater..."

While he spoke, a hippo staff member called Jerry, who was sleeping in his office room.

Jerry: "Mr. Crystal's office. This is Jerry speaking."

Buster: "...a brand new show called Out of This World. A musical space odyssey featuring the return of the legendary Clay Calloway!"

Jerry rushes out of his office and into the elevator to tell Jimmy.

Buster: "That's right. Clay Calloway. And once more, this show is completely free! So step right up folks and take your seats. The journey of a lifetime is about to begin!"

Right away, everyone in the building stop what they're doing and rush to the auditorium to go watch the show. Klaus watched them pass by, wondering what is going on.

Buster: "Alright folks, we all set back here?"

Johnny's Dad, Stan, and Barry walk in and greet Johnny.

Johnny's Dad: "There he is!"

Johnny: "Dad!"

He hugs him.

Johnny: "What are you wearing?"

Johnny's Dad: "Oh well we're still doing our community service, ain't we, lads?"

"Yeah. That's right."

Webs: "Oh so there's our backup."

Shark: "Crystal and his guards don't stand a chance with us and those big fellas together."

Johnny's Dad: "Oh who are you?"

Wolf: "Folks know us as the Bad Guys. In this case, we're kinda the good guys. You know what I'm sayin'?"

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