Chapter 11

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Jimmy prepared for an interview with Linda on Hot News. While standing backstage, he looks down at Jerry.

Jimmy: "Jerry, go get my snacks!"

Jerry: "Yes sir."

He rushes out of the studio and to Jimmy's office. Once he gets the bowl, he sees the door to where Buster was being kept. It was wide open. He panics and runs back to tell Jimmy. Jimmy growls. Just as he was being introduced by Linda, he snaps his fingers to summon his bodyguards.

Jimmy: "Moon got out. Find him."

They leave and Jimmy walks on to the set, getting plenty of cheering from the crowd. While he sits down on the chair across from Linda, Buster quickly packed his belongings. A knock on the door was heard. He looks back and begins running around the room, looking for a place to hide. As he pins himself against the window, he then dashes to his suitcase and zips it up to hide. Just when he thought he was done for, a familiar voice was heard.

Ash: "Buster?"

Buster: "Ash?"

He screams for her as she, Bodi, and Clay look around.

Buster: "Ash! In here!"

Ash: "Buster?"

Bodi: "What the?"

Buster: "I'm stuck!"

Clay: "You gotta be kidding me."

Ash: "Hold still. What are you doing in there?"

Buster: "Ash, the show's off. Crystal got mad. He tried to kill me."

Ash: "What?"

Bodi: "Kill you?"

Ash unzips the suitcase and Buster falls out.

Buster: "I thought you were his thugs coming to finish me off."

Bodi: "Where's the rest of the cast?"

The doorbell rang again. Buster got worried again.

Buster: "Oh no. It's them. Shh, pretend we're not here."

He hides in his suitcase again.

Clay: "The first time I leave home in 15 years and what do I find? The show is off and this guy is hiding in a suitcase."

Clay walks towards the door to open it. Buster repeatedly told him not to. He does so, and everyone from the show, including Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman stood there. They gasp at who answered.

All: "Clay Calloway."

Miss Crawly saw him and froze. Clay looked down at her and Balto.

Clay: "I remember you."

Miss Crawly faints while Balto backed away slowly.

Jenna: "Oh no. Why now?"

Later on, Miss Crawly wakes up while imitating gunshot noises, still traumatized from when she tried to get Calloway.

Buster: "Wake up. We gotta get outta here."

Johnny: "Coast is clear. Let's go."

Meena: "Come on Miss Crawly, come on."

Balto: "I got her."

Alex: "Wait, where's Julien?"

Buster: "Forget about him, we gotta go. Come on. Come on. We'll all feel better when we're safe at home."

Clay: "You sure about that? Cuz I can tell you, running and hiding away is not all that it's cracked up to be."

Buster: "Well, we don't have a choice."

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