Chapter 9

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In a dance room, Pedro, Nico, Gloria and Melman were looking over the steps of the dance routine for their part.

Pedro: "Okay okay wait a minute. This isn't a samba?"

Gloria: "Nope. Is that bad?"

Pedro: "It's really the kind of vibe we're good at."

Melman: "I thought I saw we were doing kind of like, a freestyle kind of dance."

Nico: "So that means we can do whatever we want, right?"

Gloria: "Not exactly. We all have to be in sync with each other."

Pedro was uncertain about this. Nico however had some form of confidence.

Nico: "Okay, we got this. Let's begin."

They line up together and begin doing the steps. For about an hour they kept rehearsing. Constantly switching positions. At times, Pedro struggled to keep up, but was able to get it done. It didn't take long for them to figure it out.

Gloria: "See, it's not too bad."

Nico: "You're right. I'm getting the hang of this. Pedro how about you?"

Pedro: "Maybe you should leave the dancing stuff to them and we do the singing. Huh?"

Nico: "What? You can't quit after one hour. The show is just a week away and we gotta get this done."

Melman: "Listen, uh, I struggled with my confidence in dancing. I couldn't do it. But with a great partner, I got better and better." He referenced Gloria, to which she knew. They started to giggle at each other. Slightly making Pedro and Nico uncomfortable.

Gloria: "Fun times, huh?"

Nico: "Okay shall we continue?"

Pedro: "You know, another thing I thought of is that I asked you if you could sing as much as you can dance. So can you?"

Melman: "Umm. Sorta."

Gloria: "We can't worry about it now. Wait until we get closer to when the show begins. Right now, we gotta memorize these steps."

Pedro: "When does Moon get back?"

Nico: "Stop asking questions! Moon is counting on us to get it right."

Pedro: "You know what. I'm done. I'll be in the hotel."

He leaves the room. They look at each other confused.

Nico: "He's not like this usually. Should we, uh..."

Gloria: "It's okay. We'll run it back tomorrow."

Meanwhile, at the top of a parking lot building, Johnny was trying to show Nooshy his move with the two sticks. He loses his balance and falls to the ground.

Nooshy: "Woah mate. You're not ready to be busting out these moves."

Johnny: "Sorry. How come they got it right the first time."

Alex: "Experience."

Marty: "I didn't get it the first time."

Alex: "But you got it anyways."

Johnny sighed, feeling discouraged.

Nooshy: "Look at you. Klaus has thrown you in the deep end and drained out all of your confidence, like (slurping noise)."

Johnny laughed. Nooshy turned on her radio.

Nooshy: "Don't worry. We'll build up to it. Step by step. Just forget what Klaus told you and go with the flow."

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