Chapter 7

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Klaus: "And one two three four five six seven and, one two three four five six seven, and one two three four five six seven and..."

As he repeated those words to his dancers during the class, Johnny shows up.

Johnny: "Sorry I'm late Mr. Kickenklober. I was practicing all morning. I just lost track of time."

Klaus: "Oh, I thought maybe you had been involved in a terrible accident and we never had to see you again, but never mind."

Johnny: "Seriously? Why do you have to be so mean all the time?"

Klaus: "Because only when we suffer can we be great."

He slaps a warthog with his stick as he says that.

Klaus: "Places everyone! Ryan, Alex, you will be playing his and Marty's opponents in the climax of the scene. Now, let's see if little Johnny has learned the steps."

Ryan and Johnny stand inside the circle of all the other dancers with Klaus watching. They each have two sticks in hand. They lay their sticks on each other's while using the second one to balance. Johnny slips. As he apologizes, Klaus slaps him with his stick. They try again.

As the day goes on, they continue trying. Alex and Marty did their attempts in the meantime. Marty learned the technique quick and was ready for the scene. Johnny, however, continued to struggle. The practice ran through the rest of the afternoon and into nighttime. Eventually, Johnny ran outside completely shaken. Alex and Marty run outside and follow him. As they try calming him down, Johnny looks at his hand, which was shaking. He starts kicking trash cans and threw his skateboard. It flew into a fire hydrant and snapped in half.

Johnny: "Oh man."

The next morning, the three walk out of a skateboard shop. Before Johnny left with his new skateboard, he sees a crowd of animals cheering at something. He begins walking over there

Alex: "Hey, where you going?"

They begin to follow him. The animals circled around a white lynx performing a street dance. Johnny, Alex and Marty saw her perform.

Marty: "Who's this?"

Alex: "I've seen her before. I don't know who she is but folks around here love watching her."

This lynx, named Nooshy, gets up after her performance. Everyone cheered her on.

Nooshy: "Wooo, thank you. Thank you so much. Everyone. Wow, wow, you are an amazing crowd."

Some of the audience gives her money. The three dancers approach her.

Johnny: "Mate, you were amazing!"

Nooshy: "Much appreciated. Thank you so much."

She continued walking around looking for more cash. The others follow her. A turtle gave her a candy.

Nooshy: "Thank you so much, little guy. Wow so kind."

Johnny: "Listen, can I buy you a coffee, or maybe something to eat?"

Nooshy: "Woah that's forward ain't it?"

Johnny: "No no no I didn't mean..., I just would love to talk to you about maybe..."

Suddenly a cop shows up. "Hey, you got a license to perform here?"

Nooshy: "Actually I'd love a chat, let's go."

Later on, they all sit in a booth in an ice cream shop. The waitress skates over to their table.

Waitress: "Here you go. One volcano smoothie with extra chocolate lava."

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