Chapter 6

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Back at the set, Buster was trying to call Miss Crawly, but it went straight to voicemail.

Buster: "Miss Crawly, it's me, Mr. Moon, I haven't heard from you in a while and I'm starting to worry here."

Suddenly, Jimmy walked in and began yelling at Buster.

Jimmy: "MOON!"

Jenna: "Oh no."

Buster: "Mr. Crystal."


Buster: "What?"

Jimmy starred at Buster, then began laughing at him.

Buster: "I'm just messing with you. Where's your sense of humor, huh?"

Jenna: "Oh thank goodness. You scared us for a second."

He rubs Buster and Jenna's heads, then turns to the others behind him.

Jimmy: "Anyway, this is my daughter, Porsha."

Porsha: "Hey."

Buster: "Nice to meet you, Porsha."

Jenna: "Who are the others?"

Jimmy: "Just some friends."

Behind Jimmy and Porsha were Wolf, Snake, Webs, Shark, and Piranha.

Diane: "They also look out for her."

Jimmy: "They want to meet Calloway. Big fan, aren't you, baby."

Porsha: "Oh my gosh, I'm like so into vintage right now."

She shows them her Clay Calloway T-shirt she is wearing.

Wolf: "Kinda not your style, but heck, it's Clay Calloway. One of the best, huh?"

Jimmy: "So where is he?"

Buster: "Uh, well, I'm not expecting Clay on set just yet, I mean..."

Porsha: "Wait, is this like a sky-fi show?"

Buster: "Uh, Sci-fi? Yes. Yes it is."

Porsha: "Oh my gosh I love sky-fi."

Webs: "Don't sweat it, she's dyslexic."

Snake: "Not true. Ah forget it."

Piranha: "Ooh, Porsha, check this out!"

He pulls her to another part of the set. As the others looked around, a stage crew member called from a distance.

"Mr. Moon, we're ready on the tower."

Buster: "Oh, thank you, Sasha. We're gonna rehearse Mr. Crystal, so..."

Jimmy: "Yeah yeah yeah go do your rehearsal thing. Go go go."

Buster: "Playback."

Po was about to click a button on the sound board when a frog used his tongue and music begins playing.

Po: "Oh, okay I guess you got it."

Sasha, a jaguar, hooks a harness to Rosita, Gunter, and Roberto's suits.

Sasha: "Okay, all set. Just remember to release the safety catch before you jump, okay?"

Rosita: "Okay yeah."

Roberto: "Here we go!"

All of Rosita's piglets watch from the ground.

"Is Mommy gonna jump off that?"

Buster: "She sure is!"

They gasp. Rosita began to sing.

If you want it, take it
  I should've said it before
Try to hide it, fake it
  I can't pretend anymore

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