Chapter 2

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Buster walks back to the theater completely soaked and depressed. He walks into the bathroom to dry himself off with a blow dryer. When he walks out, the fur on his head is puffed up. The show inside ends and everyone leaves the theater. Well, almost everyone. Nana Noodleman stayed and looked for Buster. She went into his office. The song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John was playing on his radio. Balto and Jenna were in the room.

Jenna: "Miss Noodleman, what are you doing here?"

Nana turned off the radio and found Buster hiding inside a drawer.

Nana: "Oh for heaven's sake!"

Buster: "(sigh) What can I say, Nana? I'm a failure."

Balto: "Oh come on, there will be more opportunities. Today wasn't the day."

Buster: "Please, Balto, not now. I was reaching too high."

Nana: "Honestly, one negative comment and it's all "Woe is me"."

Buster: "Nana, come on. They said I'm not good enough. I mean heck, I've just been told that my destiny, all of my hopes and dreams, they all end right here!"

Jenna: "How is that a bad thing?"

Buster: "I dreamed big dreams and now they won't happen."

Nana: "Well what did you expect? That they would drop to their knees and declare you a genius? "Roll out the red carpet for the great Buster Moon!""

Buster: "They ran me off the road into a canal!"

Nana: "Well, you're still in one piece, aren't you?"

Buster: "Well, yeah but..."

Nana: "Well anyone who dares set out and follow their dreams is bound to face a lot worse than a dip in the canal."

One of her penguin butlers walk in the room.

Nana: "Ah, Hobbs, I found him. Bring the car out, will you? As a good chap."

Buster: "I just thought they would at least see I deserved a shot."

Balto: "We'll have another shot someday."

Nana: "Never mind what these people you don't even know said. Do you think you're good enough?"

Buster: "Of course!"

Nana: "Then you must fight for what you believe in. Guts, stamina, faith. These are the things you need now. And without them, well maybe those scouts were right. Maybe you're not good enough."

This left Buster thinking.

Jenna: "Wow. Now that's inspiring."

Balto: "What do you say, boss?"

Later that night, Buster laid in bed thinking. Unable to sleep, he gets up and makes his final decision. He gets dressed and runs downstairs to the stage. Balto and Jenna hear him.

Jenna: "What's he doing?"

They follow Buster and he grabs a suitcase.

Buster: "Guys, help me out here, will ya?"

They grab the costumes. Buster creates a few designs for rehearsal. When he stuffs the suitcase, he tries closing it, but it wouldn't close. Balto and Jenna jump on the case to close it. Later on, Buster makes a call.

Po: "Noodleman residence, Po speaking. Oh hey Buster. No, Eddie is out of town. On a family vacation. I'm watching his pool house. What's up?"

Buster: "I need your help. Grab some of the cast from last show and meet me at the bus station with the rest."

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