Ch. 8 ~The Big Question

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Lizzy's POV

I slid into the chair next to Roo at the round lunch table. The table was blue, and had little cartoon horses in the middle. Our mascot was the Mustang, which I thought was cool.

I opened my sack lunch, and pulled out a bag of carrots, and started to crunch on one.

I had to ask Roo and Alexis if they had horses at our ranch. I had to, and I would've sooner, but I haven't had any classes with them since Math. Lucky me, I had Stella in 2 other of my classes. Of course.

Finally, Alexis slid into the seat next to me. A few other people say at our table, but I didn't know who they were.

"So, Roo and Alexis, I have a question for you guys," I said.

"Shoot," Alexis said.

"Do you guys have horses at Legend Ranch?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Roo asked, obviously confused.

"Oh, well, I live there with my aunt and uncle and cousins, and I was looking at the stall cards of the horses one day, and I saw your guys' names," I said, desperately praying they wouldn't ask why I live there.

"Oh, well yeah, we keep our horses there. Do you have a horse there?" Alexis asked.

I smiled. "Yes, I own Crackers."

"Cool! Did your aunt and uncle give her to you?" Roo asked.

"Yes, they let me pick who I wanted out of their lesson horses. It was a tough decision between Crackers, Luna, and Jackie," I said. "But ultimately, Crackers won my heart over. She is so sweet!" I said.

"I love Crackers! I learned to ride on her," Alexis said. "And then I entered my first barrel racing competition, and I won, and I guess my parents thought I was really good, cause they bought Quincey for me, and now we're unstoppable!" Alexis said, and then laughed.

"I've had Brandy since I was born. We were born on the same day, and grew up together. Now he's 13, like me, and we've won a few competitions," Roo said.

"Cool, I've never ridden a horse since I've come here, but I think I'm gonna learn how to canter soon. I've been taking daily riding riding lesson since I got Crackers," I said.

There was an awkward silence, and then the big question came out.

"Why are you living with your aunt and uncle?"


A/N: hi everyone! Sorry that this is a short chapter, but I needed the semi dramatic ending. I'm gonna start working on the next chapter though! Right now! Random question: what's ur favorite animal(s)? Mine are horses (obvi), kittens, and I love sharks and whales! Please vote and comment! Thanks guys!🐴🐱🐋🐳 Oh! And thanks so much for 100+ views!!!

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