Ch. 10 ~Get Back On the Horse

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Lizzy's POV

Finally, my first week of school was OVER! It was Friday, and I had just gotten home from school. I dumped my bag off by the door, then raced Gigi upstairs to go change into riding clothes.

Today was a special day. I was going to learn how to canter.

I took off my black leggings and replaced them with jeans. Next, I took off my nice shirt and traded it for a T-shirt that had the ranch's logo on it.

It was warm today, which was a nice change from the cloudy days we have been having. That's spring to you in Oregon!

It's April, and luckily, I only have to go to this school for about 1 1/2 months and then hellooo summer!

I ran outside with Gigi, and we decided to race to see who could get their horse ready. I had a feeling she would win since she's tacked up a ton, and I've been tacking up for about a week.

We both ran as fast as week could to the fields, then split up. I called for Crackers as I snatched her halter and opened the gate, and she trotted up to me.

"Ok girl, we are racing to see who can get ready to ride faster with Gigi and Jazz. So please be a good girl," I said as I rushed to buckle her halter on. She seemed to understand that it was muy importante to be speedy.

I led her out of the field, and closed the gate. I looked over at Gigi, she wasn't far behind us. "C'mon Crackers! Let's go," I said, and we walked briskly into the barn, and I hooked her up to a pair of cross ties.

I grabbed her grooming kit and rushed back over to Crackers. I curried her as fast as I could, then swept the dirt off of her. I cleaned her hooves, and de tangled her tail. Beautiful!

I grabbed her tack, and set it on the saddle wrack. I smoothed the saddle pad on first, then set the heavyish western saddle on, and tightened the girth. I looked behind me and saw that Gigi was already sliding the bit into Jazz's mouth! I quickly grabbed the bridle, and slid the bit into Crackers' mouth, and the crown piece over her ears. I quickly bucked the throat latch, and snatched my helmet. I led Crackers to the outdoor arena, and Gigi and I were neck to neck! I decided to ask Crackers to jog, and she did, and we easily passed Gigi and Jazz. When we reached the outdoor arena, I made Crackers walk, and we entered it, and officially won the race.

"Bow down to the queen," I said to Gigi, and she jokingly bowed down.

"Teach me your ways, wise sensei," Gigi said, and we both laughed.

Right then, Aunt Steph walked into the ring, and said,"Lizzy, you can mount Crackers and warm her up."

"Ok," I said, then mounted Crackers, and warmed her up.


"Okay Liz, we are going to learn how to canter the same way you learned how to trot. Make a circle around me," Aunt Steph said, so I turned Crackers in a nice, big circle around Aunt Steph. "Good Lizzy," Aunt Steph said. "Now get Crackers into a trot," she instructed. I squeezed Crackers a little, and she went into a nice, gentle, trot. "Now, you are gonna bring your outside back a little, and your inside leg to the girth, and squeeze," Aunt Steph said. I nodded, then got my legs in the right position, took a deep breath, and squeezed.

Then we were cantering.

And then I was slipping.

And then I was falling.

And then I hit the ground.

And heard hooves thundering away from me.

I realized that my eyes were closed. I opened them, only to see Crackers staring down at me. "Ow," I groaned as I stood up and dusted my jeans off.

"Lizzy, are you okay?" Aunt Steph asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Crackers?" I asked, then realized that was the stupidest question I've ever asked. Crackers was right next to me.

I started to lead Crackers out of the arena, when Aunt Steph stopped me.

"What are you doing? Get back up on Crackers," she ordered.

"Why? I fell off! If I get back on, I'll probably fall off again," I wailed.

"I have a rule here. Whenever you fall off your horse, you must get back on. Always. Unless you are so injured that you are not physically able to get up on a horse," Aunt Steph said.

"Why?" I asked.

"If you get back on right away, you won't be as nervous to get on later. If you don't get back on, the next time you feel like riding, it's going to be harder to get back in the saddle because you think you'll fall off again. You always need to pick yourself up again, and get back on the horse," Aunt Steph explained.

Pick yourself back up again, and get back on the horse.

I like it.

So, I stuck my foot back into the stirrup, and hoisted myself onto Crackers' back. This time, when I asked her to canter, we cantered successfully, no bruises necessary.

We flew around the ring at a canter. Cantering is so much fun! I could canter forever. Crackers' canter was very smooth, so I had no trouble not falling off again. As the air blew against my face, I felt free. I get that feeling when I'm riding. It's like, nothing else even matters. It's my little time-out from life, and when I'm on a horse, all my troubles evaporate.

When I had finished cooling out Crackers and dismounting, reality crashed back around me, and there was no stopping it. Sigh.


I slid Crackers' halter off of her delicate head, and she gave me a 'see ya later' nuzzle, then headed off to Jackie and Peaches. I watched them graze peacefully, and then I thought about what Aunt Steph had said. Pick yourself back up, and get back on the horse. I realized how I had to pick myself back up when I came here to Legend Ranch, with Aunt Steph and Uncle Pat. I had fallen when my parents had died, but I picked myself back up and got back on the horse. Now, I have two great friends, learned how to ride, and have my own horse.

You always have to pick yourself up, and get back on the horse.


A/N: hi guys! I hope you all liked this chapter, I did! I know that nothing has really happened yet, but I'm pretty sure the next chapter will have something important in it. Wow guys thank you all for all of the views and votes! I'm getting closer to 200 views, so let's go and get there! Please tell people to read RHI, I would really appreciate it! Random question: what's your favorite color(s)? Mine are green, blue, and purple. Ok, well goodnight everyone! I'm glad that I got an update in before I went to bed! Night night! 😴🌜🌛🌝🌚

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