Ch. 20 ~Barrel Racing

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Lizzy's POV

I was warming Crackers up when Aunt Steph showed up for our lesson. I've been gloomy for a few days, but I have a flicker of excitement in me, cause today I'm going to learn how to barrel race!

I did my normal warm up while Aunt Steph set up three barrels in a triangle shape type thing.

After walking, trotting, and cantering, Aunt Steph called me in. "I'm going to walk the pattern with you," she said, then she continued, "follow me."

She started walking to the right front barrel, so I followed her at a walk. We looped around that one, then headed to the left front one, then looped around that one. Finally, we headed off to the farthest back barrel, and turned around that one, then walked back to the starting line.

"Do you get the pattern?" Aunt Steph asked.

"Yeah, it's like a three leafed clover!" I said, eager to do the pattern again.

"Okay. Now, you walk the pattern alone, and then you can try it at a trot," Aunt Steph said.

I gave a firm nod, then urged Crackers into a walk, and we easily walked the pattern. Then we tried it at a trot, and it was really fun!

"Good job. Try it at a slow lope, and be ready for lead changes! She does that automatically," Aunt Steph warned.

"Okay," I said, then cantered a circle, then headed for the first barrel. We turned around it, then started to dash off to the next one. "Easy girl, slow lope," I muttered to her, and pulled on the reigns a bit. She slowed down, then I could feel her do the lead change as we came to the next barrel. We turned around that one, then loped to the last pole, turned, then cantered back.

"Woo hoo!" Aunt Steph cheered. "Great job! Way to hold her back between the first and second barrel," she said, and I replied with a sweet thank you.

"Take a break, and then try it again, then we will be done," Aunt Steph said.

"Okay, great!" I chirped, then walked a few laps around the arena.

Soon enough, it was time to try the pattern again, and adrenaline rushed through me, and Crackers pranced, feeling my adrenaline, and was ready to go.

I got her into a canter, then we headed to the first barrel. Then, I felt a click, and we were off. We galloped and turned sharp around the barrel, then dashed off to the next. I could barely feel her change leads as we flew to the next barrel. I leaned over a bit, giving her her head, and she went faster with each stride. We zoomed around the second barrel, then came upon the third and final barrel. We spun around it, then bolted to the finish line. I could feel the wind whooshing through my hair under my helmet, and my eyes started to water from the air blowing on them. When we crossed the makeshift finish line (a cone), I pulled Crackers up, and let out a breath.

"What was that?" Aunt Steph asked?

I realized that she had said canter, not gallop.

"Sorry! I don't know what happened, first we were cantering then a click and zoom and whoosh!" I said in a ramble that made no sense.

Aunt Steph only smiled, then shook her head. "You have talent," she said, then walked out of the arena.

I wore a relieved smile, but as soon as I had put it on, it disappeared. It was gone the second I heard that voice.

"You call that barrel racing?" Stella said, disgusted.

I stuck my chin up and said, "Yeah."

She rolled her eyes and then said, "Watch Eclipse and I, then you'll know what real barrel racing looks like." Then I saw her urge Eclipse into a canter. Geez, has she even warmed him up?

She urged him into an energetic gallop as they headed for the first barrel. They made a swift turn around it, and did the same for the second one. When they came to the third, they're turn was really close to the barrel, and then they dashed back.

I knew by just watching it that their time was waaay better than ours, but I shook it off. Stella and Eclipse have been a team for a few years; Crackers and I have only been a team for a little over a month.

Stella trotted up to me, wearing a tight smirk. "What'ja think?" she asked, as if daring me to answer.

I looked at her, and put a smile on my face. Be the bigger person Liz, just be the bigger person.

"You two were wonderful!" I said, and I actually meant it. They were good, no denying it. "You were very swift around each turn, and you guys make a great pair," is all I said, then walked out of the ring, Stella wearing a confused expression on her face.


A/N: I. Hate. Filler chapters. They are soooo boring! Sorry that this is a boring chapter, but there has to be some time between events😁

Random question: what types of questions do you want me to ask for random questions?? I'm running out of ideas, so please give me some suggestions!!!

Also, one more announcement: me and Rainyawesome are writing a book together!!! It's called Crossing Paths, and the prologue is up!😊 we still haven't figured the plot out just yet, but we are working on it and updates will be slow since we are working on our own books too. Crossing Paths will be on both of our accounts, so it doesn't matter where you read it! We hope u all will check it out😉

Ilysm!! Have a fun (and safe!) 4th of July!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💥🎉

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