Ch. 21 ~This Isn't Where I Belong

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Rumor's POV

I have to get out. It's too stuffy in here. This isn't where I belong.

I'm trapped in a pen with a bunch of other horses. This isn't where I belong.

The humans took me away from my here. I trusted the girl, and she let me down. This isn't where I belong.

I have to get out. I need space. This isn't where I belong.

I squeal and nip at the other horses in the area I'm in. They return with a kick and a squeal. I pin my ears back. I'm in charge here. I bite and bare my teeth at the other horses again, and this time, they make a little space. I'm taking this chance. This isn't where I belong.

I back as far away from the fence as possible. Then I go.

I gallop a couple strides, then push off of the ground, and over the rails.

I'm soaring! I'm soaring home.

Then gravity starts to pull me back towards the ground. I'm confident that I'm on the other side of the fence, until I feel the rail on my legs.


I fall, my face pressed on the ground, and the rest of my body flipping over me.

But I still made it.

I hear the other horses squealing and neighing at me, and I hear the patter of the humans two feet running towards me.

I quickly assemble my legs under me, and stand up. People are trying to sweet talk me, but I charge at them. I can't trust humans ever again.

I ran at one person, who ducked away, and then snapped my teeth at another. When there was a clear path, I took off. I ran as fast as the wind!

Then I saw another rail. I slid to a stop. There has to be another way out! I looked around. There was no other way out.

Behind me, I could hear the humans running toward me. I spun on my heel, and charged at them once again. Then I slid to a stop, and reared up on my hind legs.

I scraped the sky with my powerful black legs, then immediately threw my legs down when I saw a man with a rope in the corner of my eye.

I galloped off towards the fence, and hoped in my mustang heart that I could be free with my herd again. Then I reached the fence, and leaped once again.

For sure, this time, I would make it over.

And I was! Until I was pulled back to the earth by a rope around my neck.

I crashed once again.

Except I didn't make it this time.

The man with a rope was right next to me, and he had something in his hand.

I pinned my ears back, and started to bite him, until I felt something sharp poke into my skin.

Now I was fired up.

I squealed and bared my teeth at the man, then started to bite him. But my eyes started to tire, and my body felt weak. I started to kick up at him, but then, I was out.

The last thing I thought before I fell into a sleepy darkness was:

This isn't where I belong.


A/N: sorry for another short chapter! I am having a writers block with both of my books, and I don't know why!

I think it's because I got back from Oregon. I really miss being there.

Sigh. And I had to leave my pony, Bo, there too. Sigh.

And I had to leave two of my greatest friends. Sigh.

Sorry to bore u all with that! Random question: what would your dream horse be?

For me, my dream horse already exists. My pony Bo. Yeah. Anyway, please vote for this chapter!! Thank you and comment too! I love getting comments and I promise I will reply to your questions. Unless it's something really creepy. Then I will not.


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