Ch. 13 ~Surprise

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Pic of Lizzy's outfit above

Lizzy's POV

Bleh. Monday.

I trudged upstairs after I had finished my morning chores, and was thinking about what I was going to wear today. Today I had to wear something niceish. The school is taking my picture today for the yearbook.

I opened the closet I share with Gigi, and looked through what I had. Today, it was actually sunny and warmish out, so I chose a white flowery top with a light pink skirt. I put them on and then rushed into the bathroom to do my hoar. I decided to do soft waves today, so I plugged in the curling iron, and waited for it to heat up. While I waited, I brushed my teeth. Finally, the curling iron was warm, and I curled my hair into gentle waves. Perfect!

I headed downstairs with Gigi and we waited for the bus together. When the bus arrived, we climbed into it together, and as we walked to our usual seat, people were staring me down. I wanted them to stop, since that's one of my biggest pet peeves, but they just kept staring. Uuuugghhh!


"Okay, sweetie. You're going to sit right there with your knees to the side, and your hands on top of each other," the lady that was taking my picture said.

I did as she asked and then she said,"Perfect," and snapped the picture.

"Picture perfect darling! You may go now sweetheart," she said, and I zoomed out of the room, eager to go back to lunch.

When I sat back down at my table, there were still some people that I didn't know who were sitting there. "Do you guys know who they are?" I asked Roo and Alexis, and they both shook their heads. Weird.

"Um, hi guys," I said awkwardly to the girls that sat at the table. "I'm Lizzy."

"Oh hey Lizzy! I'm Bridget and these are my friends Taylor, Ansley, and May," said Bridget. "You're new right?" she asked.

"Yes," is all I said. I looked over at Roo and Alexis, and their eyes were wide. I gave them a questioning look, but I didn't get an answer.

"Ooh, I love your skirt! Where did you get it?" May immediately asked.

"Actually, I don't know. I got it for my birthday from my parents, and I forgot to ask where they got it from," I said.

"Well it's adorable," Ansley commented.

"Thanks," I said and smiled.

"Well, we gotta go now, but join us for lunch anytime!" Bridget chirped, and then she and her posse linked arms and strolled away.

"That was weird, we didn't join them for lunch," I said. "They sat down here when we were already here," I continued.

"Yeah, well, they were part of Stella's group before you came here," Roo said.

"Yeah, and they are super popular," Alexis said. "They wanted to make you feel like you were trying to join their group."

"Well I wasn't!" I said a little too loud. "I mean, I just want to be friends. Like, I'm not trying to join their little clique type thing," I quietly explained. "Anyway, on a better note, are you guys going to the barn today?" I asked hopefully.

"Ugh, I can't. My little brother has a basketball game right after school, and my mom needs me to stay at home and let Scout out," Roo said. "Usually she would let me just pack my stuff and get off the bus when it comes to Legend Ranch, but the team is having a big dinner after it and they won't be getting home till later tonight," Roo explained.

"Oh, sorry," I said to Roo. "What about you Alexis?"

"I can't come either. I have an orthodontist appointment after school," she said.

"Oh. Okay," I said.

"Sorry," Roo and Alexis both mumbled as we walked out of the lunch room, to our classes. I just shrugged as I went to my locker, and grabbed my books and binders, and headed off.


"Okay artists! Today we are going to start a new project. You are going to make a sculpture of something meaningful to you, with wire. I will help you guys, and today you are just going to decide what you are going to sculpt, and you are going to draw out what the model will look like. You will draw it in your sketchbook. You may begin," the teacher said, and I grabbed my sketchbook, and opened it to a fresh page. I already knew what I was going to sculpt. A horse. Specifically Crackers. She is so meaningful to me! She is really helping me get through what has happened, and she is making it better. I owe this to her.

I started drawing the outline of Crackers' body, and by the end of class, there was a horse that looked just like Crackers on my paper. I turned the drawing in, then scooped my bag up, and headed out of the door.

I met up with Roo and Alexis as we waited along with the other kids who ride our bus. Finally, the bus stopped, and we all piled onto it.


Gigi and I hopped off of the bus, and went straight inside the house. I still have some homework to finish. I really want to go see Crackers, but I should finish homework, and reward myself with a ride.

I went upstairs, and headed to my desk that Aunt Steph and Uncle Pat gave me, and opened my Math book, and finished the problems that needed to get done.


An hour later, I had stuffed my homework in my book bag, and changed into jeans and a tank top with a swim suit under it. It had turned from a warm day, to a hot day, and I'm planning on taking Crackers to the lake Gigi showed me, and maybe going in to cool off.

I rushed outside to the barn, and what I saw made me worried.

Aunt Steph, Uncle Pat, and 2 police officers.

But that wasn't even the worst part.

They were standing around Crackers' stall paddock.


A/N: ooh, what's gonna happen?!?! Sorry that I didn't update yesterday, I was very busy. I usually try to update everyday, but sometimes I can't. Random question: what's ur favorite dessert??? I LOVE brownies and chocolate chip cookies😋😋😋 ok gotta go I'm watching Heartland 😙😙😙 don't forget to hit the little star and vote for this chapter!! Thanks guys

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