Ch. 18 ~Battle

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Lizzy's POV

It was 4:15 a.m. the next day, and I was tightening Crackers' girth. I clipped my helmet on, and then I mounted, and we set off into the early morning.

We started on a main trail, but then I took a detour. I had found that this detour leads to a place in the fence that is broken, so we hopped over the broken fence, and made our way around the property, to the front.

I'm not allowed to ride off of the property, unless I had permission. I got permission from Aunt Steph to let me get up this early for a ride, but I only told her that I was going on a trail. Really, I was going back to the place where Rumor's herd was.

I'm determined to find a way to keep his here safe, and I still don't know how, but maybe I'll be able to find away once I see the herd.

We crossed the asphalt at a walk, then picked up a jog once we were in the field. At the same spot Luna had stopped, Crackers did, then let out a shrill whinny, and there was one that answered back, and then we were off.

I held onto the horn, then let Crackers have her head. I didn't try to slow her or stop her, I just let her go. We were a blur of zooming pinto and blonde hair, and I smiled as the wind whipped Crackers' getting-longer mane into my face, and it tickled my face.

When we came to the woods, I tightened my grip on the horn, and then we were zipping around the trees. I liked the motion of it, and soon we broke into a fast jog, then a walk.

We were greeted by Rumor, who did an inspection of Crackers, then the two friendly nuzzled each other.

All of the sudden, a black mare, who definitely looked like an Arabian, dashed away from the herd, and then Rumor was galloping after horse, making a path through the rest of the herd, then cut in front of the mare, and herded her back into the herd.

The mare was unhappy. She flatten her delicate ears, and ran away again. But the same as before, she was cut off, and brought back to the herd.

Then an idea popped into my head. If Crackers and I can lead the mare away from the herd, Rumor would run after us, and if we could make it far enough, maybe the herd would follow and they would be far enough away for a while.

It wasn't a very good plan, but at least it was something.

And I have to try.

I wheeled Crackers around and jogged her over to the black mare. I guess her name is Ebony, according to the poster.

"Ebony," I whispered as quietly as I could. If I was too loud, Rumor would definitely hear, and race over here. She pricked her tiny, black ears towards me, and I prayed in my head that this would work. I cued Crackers to set off at a gallop, and Ebony shot after us. But after only a couple strides, I heard something sickening.

The growl of a mountain lion.

I made Crackers whip around and go back to the herd. Obediently, Ebony followed close behind.

I watched the scene in front of me with wide eyes. Rumor squealed to what I assumed is his lead mare, and she herded the herd, and they fled the area. Crackers and Ebony all of the sudden became part of the herd, and followed. I craned my head around long enough to see Rumor and the mountain lion fighting. But then I was too far in the woods to see, and I prayed with all of my heart, that Rumor would win the battle.


When the herd finally stopped, we had gone a long long way, but now we are in some type of cave thing, and the whole herd was walking through it. I ducked my head so I wouldn't hit the top of the cave, but then I heard rushing water, and we erupted into a large, grassy area, with massive stone walls surrounding us. There was also a small waterfall streaming from one of the walls, and I thought how lucky all of the mustangs were to have great spots for protection.

I looked up and saw that the sun was already in the sky, and I checked my watch. 6:00. Oops. I need to be home soon! But I can't leave without knowing if Rumor's okay or not.

I let Crackers take a drink from the pool of water that the waterfall had made, then I let her amble around. All of the sudden, the whole herd stopped what they were doing, and focused their attention on the cave.

Then a glorious thing happened.

Rumor trotted proudly out of the cave, and the whole herd seemed to celebrate by letting out little nickers and whinnies. All of the horses touched noses with Rumor or scratched backs or something with the hero. I smiled, and I realized that the herd was more than a herd.

They were a family.

And I knew that it was time for me to leave.

Crackers and I aren't quite family, but I would consider us family friends. But now we have to go home, so I rode Crackers up to the buckskin stallion.

"Goodbye Rumor," I said, and he looked me in the eye, and bowed his head. Then Crackers nuzzled Rumor, and we made our way out of the cave, and back into reality.

At least I know Rumor's herd is safe. If they get found in this spot, I know that they are able to get away fast, and go to a different spot.

The herd is safe, and that's what matters most.

I wore a content smile as we slowly walked away from the cave, and I realized that there was a road really close to the cave. Then I looked behind me when I heard another animal behind me.

It was Ebony galloping after us, and at her feet was Rumor. They needed to leave! There was a road right by, and a car could see them!

"Whoah!" I called to the two horses, and they both slipped to a stop and froze. Wow, I didn't think that would've worked! And then I realized why they froze.

I turned Crackers around, and there was a champagne colored Mercedes pulled over, and Mr. Bentley was in the drivers seat, and I was petrified by the look of evil on his face.


A/N: ooohhh what's gonna happen?!? Comment what u all think is gonna happen:) ok I gtg bye!!! I also want to thank you guys for 400+ views!!

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