Ch. 19 ~What Have I Done?

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Pic of Rumor above

Mr. Bentley's POV

There they were. My mare and that stallion. I hadn't expected to see them, for I was just out on an early morning drive to the local diner for breakfast. Good thing I always bring an extra rope in the back.

I reached in the back, and slowly opened my car door. All three horses were petrified. Geez that stallion is dumb! If he had any sense, he and my mare would be gone. But lucky me, the horse was stupid, like all horses.

As I walked closer to the stallion, I noticed the other horse standing there. It was that bratty girl who gave me smart talk back at Legend Ranch! What in Pete's name is she doing here? She'll ruin the whole thing!

I tried to make a signal for her to scurry on out of here, but she just glared at me in response. Then she looked at the horses, and a smug look crossed her face.


Lizzy's POV

I saw the rope in his hands, and when he made the signal for me to leave, I knew I had to do, what I had to do.

I looked at Rumor dead in the eyes, and I let out a loud, shrill, scream, and then yelled, "RUN!!!!!!"

Then everything else happened fast, but to me, it felt like slow motion.

Rumor and Ebony did a fast spin on their heels, and launched away from the road.

But just at the same split second that it took for the horses to whirl around, Mr. Bentley flung the rope at the horses, and it landed right over Rumor's neck.


Ebony galloped away, but when she realized that her leader wasn't leading her, she pulled up and trotted back over to the scene.

In the mean time, Rumor had fallen, and now is struggling on the ground to get up, but Mr. Bentley isn't letting him.

"Let him go!" I screeched at him. "It's against the law to capture a wild horse!"

I have no idea if this is true or not, but hopefully I could scare him with the law.

"Actually, Little Lady, I have special permission from the sheriff to capture this mustang. He had been terrorizing the area, so I have done nothing wrong," he said in a girly voice, mocking me.

"How do you even know it's him?" I fired back at him.

"Well, he looks just like the horse in this photograph," he said, and shoved the picture in my face.

Unfortunately, there was no mistaking that it's Rumor in the photo, but that didn't stop me.

"That horse looks nothing like him!" I retorted, and crossed my arms. "Let him go, right, now," I said, trying to make my voice as deep and scary as it could be.

Mr. Bentley just burst out laughing at my statement. Then, he pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket. He hit a couple of buttons, and then I heard a voice on the other line of the phone.

"Yes, hello Sherrif!" Mr. Bentley boomed. Then, he told him that he had the stallion and Ebony, and to come with a trailer. I guess the sheriff is on his way, cause he said, "I've got everything handled here, and I ask you to kindly leave."

"No," I said bluntly. "I would like to talk to the sheriff.

Mr. Bentley shot me a look, then huffed. "Fine. But you can't change anything. This stallion is coming with me, no matter what," he said.

We waited for the sheriff to arrive, the whole time I was watching Rumor strain against the rope from his spot on the ground. I wanted to cry. I wished there was a way for me to just help him escape! It was my promise to him, and I have just broken it. Rumor will never trust me again.

The sheriff arrived in a black truck and a horse trailer. He pulled off to the side, and parked. Then, he opened the door, and walked over to the scene.

"Ah, Sheriff! Thank you for coming," Mr. Bentley said.

"I'm just doing my job," he sighed.

I looked at him. He looked pained to be here. I flash backed to the day that Crackers spooked and he helped me catch her. He seemed to like horses, but I don't understand why he's allowing Mr. Bentley to do this.

"Wait!" I said, before the two could do anything. The sheriff looked at me, ready to listen to what I had to say. "Isn't it illegal to do this?" I asked. "You can't just take a wild horse out from the wild and claim it yours," I said.

"Actually, that is true, Little Lady, but it's perfectly fine to do so when you have permission from the government. I got permission from the sheriff, who got permission from the government," Mr. Bentley said.

I hate it when he calls me 'Little Lady'. It bugs me. A lot.

"But, can't you put it in some other, I don't know, place for mustangs?" I asked. "You said that your reason for taking the stallion was because he's a nuisance to the whole county, so how about you put him in some type of place that you put wild mustangs," I said, half unsure of what I was talking about.

The sheriff was quiet for a minute, considering the option. "Actually, that is not a bad idea. The people who I talked to had the same idea, so I was considering it. But you have sealed it. We will be taking this horse to the northern Nevada BLM," he said.

I nodded. I'm not sure what the BLM is, but I know it has to be better than going to Mr. Bentley's!

Mr. Bentley started whining to the sheriff about how they had a deal, and something about all of the cash he donated to his office, but the sheriff said it was official. No changing it.

Rumor lifted his head up, and gave out a heart shattering neigh, then allowed himself to be sedated, and stuck in the trailer.

At least he isn't going to Mr. Bentley's, somewhere better.


It's not. I'm home now, and I looked it up. He's going to be branded and put up for adoption! This can't happen.

But it's too late.

Rumor's already there. I got a call from Sheriff Jeffrey, and he said that he was there, and that the BLM is looking for the rest of his herd!

If I hadn't butted in, Rumor's herd would be safe, and I know he would be able to somehow escape, and go home. But now, I've put the whole herd in danger.

What have I done?


A/N: aw, poor Rumor :( what is gonna happen??? Don't worry! There is a plan coming soon *smiles evilly* lol ok random question!!!

If u could vacation anywhere, where would it be?

I would go to the beach, or to the mountains and ski!

Ok lol when I wrote ski! I looked at the i and the ! Together and it was weird. Look


Lol I'm weird. :p

Ok remember to comment and vote ok bye!!! Oh! And updates will be slow for the next couple of days cause I'm going to the beach!!! 😙😙😙 ok bye i!

i! i! i!

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