Ch. 15 ~ The Agreement

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Lizzy's POV

We galloped along for a while, and I knew I was pushing Luna a lot, but I have to Crackers! When Luna's stride began to falter, I immediately pulled her up to a walk. "Sorry girl," I mumbled. "I really miss Crackers, even though it's only been a few hours without her."

She all of the sudden halted, and she lifted her head high into the air, then let out a shrill neigh, and galloped off. "Whoah girl! Easy!" I yelled, and gathered my reigns. I tried to pull back on the reigns, and sit deep, but she wouldn't slow. I grabbed onto the horn, the worst possible thing I could do, and rode with Luna. There was no way I could stop her, so I have to let her run.

The landscape blurred around me, and all of the sudden we were in the woods, zipping around trees easily. I remembered watching a little boy do pole bending on her, and she was wonderful, so it was easy to imagine her being able to maneuver herself around the trees. Suddenly, she stopped, and we were standing in a meadow. I caught my breath, then looked around. It was nice. There were trees all around, the grass was super tall, there was a lake, and I even think I see an apple tree! Dang this place is nice! And then I saw something that I had missed when I had first looked around.

A herd of mustangs.

And I saw one that caught my eye immediately.



Crackers' POV

As I was thinking about how I could get back home, something ran in through the trees. The whole herd whipped their attention to the creature, and I realized it was Luna! And then I saw her.


As in, Lizzy, my person!

I neighed to Luna, and she returned it. Immediately, Rumor cantered up to inspect the new horse, like always.


Lizzy's POV

Oh, my, gosh. It's the Rumor Horse.

A gorgeous buckskin stallion cantered up to Luna and me, and squealed at Luna. He walked in a circle around her, then looked up at me. We locked eyes, and that click that I feel with Crackers happened. I had the sudden urge to touch him, so I dismounted Luna. Rumor stood rock solid, and I slowly stepped towards him. He was totally focused on my every move, and soon, I was close enough to feel his breath on me. I slowly reached my hand out, and he stretched his muzzle out, and we made contact.


There it is again.

That wonderful, wonderful, click.

I smiled, and I kept my eyes locked on his.

Then, he started to treat me like a horse. He tried to herd me in with Luna, but I couldn't do that. "No boy, I can't," I whispered. "I have to go home, and so do Luna and Crackers," I whispered again. We locked eyes again, and he seemed to understand. But he almost looked scared, which I don't know why, since he's a mighty mustang stallion. He nipped at Luna and Crackers, and they trotted over to me. He locked eyes with me, and then a wind blew through the trees. Ssshhhhhh the trees blew. Then something horrible flashed in my mind.

Men were galloping on their horses with ropes. They were chasing a buckskin horse-Rumor-and swinging their ropes around. They ran and ran, and when Rumor couldn't run anymore, the rope landed over his head, and he was captured.

Then, he was in a pen, with other horses. It was crowded, and he needed to go home. He saw his whole herd, and they needed to get out. They were trapped, in captivity.

"I can't let that happen to you," I whispered. "If you let me take Crackers and Luna, I'll never tell your secret to anyone who could hurt you, scratch that, I'll never tell anyone about you and your herd, Rumor," I promised. He seemed to understand, and he nodded his head, let out a powerful neigh, then the whole herd (except Crackers) ran into the forest, being led my a golden palomino mare, and Rumor took up the back. It was magnificent. Bays, chestnuts, greys, blacks, paints, Appaloosas, and even a blue roan that definitely looked like Periwinkle, flashed by in a blur, and I hadn't thought it was possible that so many horses could be in one herd!

I smiled as Rumor disappeared into the woods, and then I hopped onto Crackers, and ponied Luna. It felt good to be back on my horse, no tack needed!

Rumor's secret would be safe with me. It always will be. He will remain what he is. A rumor. Except the rumor is true this time.


A/N: hi guys!!! I could've made this chapter longer, but I wanted this chapter to be its own. I hope u liked it!! Finally! Rumor is in it!! Yay!

Random question: what is your favorite color of horse?? I absolutely love bays, chestnuts, black horses, all types of greys, roans, and Appaloosas!!

I'm kinda thinking about writing another book.........but I'm not sure. Comment what u think I should do! Thanks guys, and remember to comment and vote! Thanks guys! Ilysm😍

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