Ch. 27 ~An Answer

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Lizzy's POV

"They said yes!" Sandy said excitedly, and my eyes widened. I cheered and whooped, causing Rumor to toss his head.

"You're safe, Rumor! We did it!" I said, and threw my arms around his neck. He bobbed his head, and when I let go, he did a little half rear. I was grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't believe it. I had only met Sandy yesterday, and together, we were able to set a wild horse free.


When I went home an hour later, I was exhausted. I went straight to bed, but first told Gigi the good news. "That's great!" she said to me and I smiled at her. Then I walked into my room, and flopped onto bed. I was out the second I had felt the flowery comforter.


The next day went by in a blur. We got up early and went on a hike. When we had gotten back, we rented a boat, and had packed lunches and went swimming and fishing in a nearby lake. It was so much fun! And finally, we had watched a few comedies while we ate Chinese food, and it was so relaxing. The day was perfect, and I couldn't have asked for a better day.


I finished packing the last shirt into my bag, then tossed it into the car. We drove off to the BLM to load our horses, and burro.

We arrived, and I watched as Gigi carefully haltered and led the bay roan mare that she likes, then led it right into the trailer. Then Brittany worked hard as she tried to halter the chestnut, but even with his kind eyes, he is a wild spirit. Then Aunt Steph expertly haltered the bay, and Uncle Pat decided he would get a stocky buckskin, too. Finally, it was time for me to load my burro.

I walked into the burro pen, and spotted the one I want. I held its rope halter and lead line, and walked up to it carefully. He looked at me, and started to walk away. I cut him off though, and then he just stood still. I kept walking up to him, and when I was less than a foot away, I swiftly put the lead rope around his neck. He tossed his head, and I tried slip the halter on over his cream colored nose, but he just backed up. Good thing that I had the lead rope around his neck, other wise he would've been long gone!

This time, I let him calm down. He stood still, and I let him take in my scent as I stood next to him. When he started to stand calmly, I rested my hand on his neck.


I eased the halter over his head, and gently over his long ears. Then I led him out of the pen, and into the trailer. When he saw the other horses in there, he climbed right in!
"Good boy," I said, and tied the lead rope on the hook, then gave him a stroke on his neck.

"Have you figured out a name for him yet?" Rachel asked as she brushed her dirty hands on her jeans.

"Not yet, but I'm still thinking about it," I said, looking at him.

When we closed the back of the trailer, Sandy walked up to us.

"Thank you all for coming and adopting from us. We really appreciate it," she said, and she genuinely looked thankful. It must be tough for the workers to love horses, and see them cooped up in these corrals.

"Our pleasure, and thank you for being such good help," Aunt Steph said, looking at me.

"Thank you, for everything," I said to her, and she grinned.

"No problem! I'm just glad that I was able to help. The first moment I saw him, I knew he didn't belong in captivity," Sandy said, then told me, "When he is fully healed, we will trailer him to the area he was found, and we'll set him free there."

I smiled. "Thanks for telling me."

We got into the car, and waved goodbye to Sandy.

Then we began the long car ride back home, where everything started.

A/N: ok lol I have to say this. Whenever I type the "click" parts, it makes me think of Avatar when they take the ends of their braids and like attach it to the animal type things. Ok sorry that just popped into my head lol.

Yay! Things have finally worked out in RHI:) I am sad to say that we are nearing the end of this book:( it's been so much fun writing this book!!

I am still having the name contest for the burro!!! It is only lasting for this chapter, and the next chapter is the LAST chapter that u can comment ur names on. Then I am choosing, and that will be that. Ok bye guys thanks!! Vote and comment✌🏻

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