Ch. 25 ~Hope

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Rumor's POV

When I heard her voice, I forgot about my vow of never trusting humans again. I was so relieved to hear a voice I recognized!

I walked as best as I could up to her, and nuzzled her hand to show her that it was me. I didn't want her to leave, she is almost like family, and right now, she's the only family I've got.

I need her to help me.


Lizzy's POV

"You're the first person that he has willingly let touch him," a male voice said from behind me.

I brought my hand back from the stall, and turned around. There was a man in a long, white coat with glasses, looking at me.

"Are you the vet?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. I am Dr. Sanders, and I know Ms. Sandy over here. May I ask who you are?" Dr. Sanders asked me.

"My name is Lizzy," is all I said, then I paused for a moment. "Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"Yes, he will be just fine. Are you looking into adopting him?" he asked.

"Um, no. I want to, but if I did, I would probably just set him free again," I said.

"Ah, I see. You like the horses free," he said.

"Yeah," I said awkwardly.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

I was sorta creeped out by the question, but I said, "Oregon."

"Oh, well there aren't any mustangs in Oregon, so he probably wouldn't survive long," Dr. Sanders said.

"Yes there are," I shot at him. "That's where this horse came from."

"How do you know?

"I've seen him."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," I said, looking him dead in the eye.

"She's not lying, sir," Sandy said, jumping in. I smiled at her.

"Thanks," I mouthed to her, and she nodded.

"Well, I wouldn't suggest adopting a horse and letting it free. It's against the law," Dr. Sanders said.

"Well, sometimes it isn't," Sandy said.

"Really?" I said, and looked at her.

"If you get permission from the BLM and the government, it's allowed to let a wild horse free either if it stays on your property, or it's set free to improve the bloodlines of the mustangs," Sandy said. "And we already have permission from Nevada's government to do this," she said. "But if you were to do it in Oregon, we'd have to talk to the government there about it," Sandy finished.

Hope swelled in my chest. Sure, Rumor had an injured leg, but once it gets better, he will be in tip top shape to lead his herd. He is beautiful, fast, strong, and muscular. He'd give all of his foals better bloodlines! 

I grinned, then looked back at Rumor. He seemed to sense that there was hope, and he lifted his head high up, and gave a strong neigh.


We went back to the BLM, and I was on top of the world. There was a chance my mustang could be free again!

I rejoined my family, and they were looking in a pen at one of the mustangs. "Which horse are you guys looking at?" I asked Gigi, and she pointed to a gorgeous bay roan mare.

"I really like her," Gigi said in awe. I smiled. I was happy for Gigi! I had over heard her and Uncle Pat talking about her and Brit helping with the new mustangs, so I bet Gigi's excited. I would be.

"Put our name down for her," Uncle Pat said to their helper, and the helper nodded and marked something on his clipboard.

I followed them as we looked at a few others, and I am pretty sure that we are getting the bay roan, a kind eyed chestnut, and a bay. Then Aunt Steph turned to me. "Would you like to pick out a horse to help train?" she said to me, and smiled.

"Really?" I asked, wide eyed. She nodded. "I'd love to."

"But not the buckskin,"she said, and I nodded.

I looked in all of the pens, but then another pen caught my eye. I squinted. Those didn't look like horses, they looked like-

"Are those, burros?" I asked as I walked over to the pen.

"Yes, they are. There are wild burros, too you know," the helper said. 

"I had no idea," I said, then looked at Aunt Steph and Uncle Pat. "Can I pick one of those?"

They looked at each other, and just when I thought they were gonna say no, Uncle Pat said,"Okay."

I broke out into a grin, then jogged over to that pen. I looked at all of the burros. Some of them were small, but some of them were bigger, too.

I looked around, and one caught my eye. It was bigger, and he had a darkish, chestnuty, brown color, and very light brownish, creamish coloring around his eyes and muzzle. "I like that one," I said, pointing to him.

"Alright," the helper said, and marked something on his clipboard again. "Anything else you would like to look at?" he said.

Aunt Steph and Uncle Pat shook their heads, and we piled into the car.

"I can't believe you picked a burro!" Gigi said and cracked up. 

"What? They're cute, and I felt bad for them since they weren't getting adopted," I defended myself and the burro I had chosen.

"What are you gonna name him?" Aunt Steph asked.

"I'm not sure yet, I'll have to get to know him first," I said, then watched out the window as we passed desert land, and then turned onto the street the house was on. 


A/N: hey guys!!! I'm having a name contest for the burro, cause I have no idea what to name him. It is a boy, so please give me boy names! :) thanks guys bye!!!!!!!!!!

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