Part 3

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There were moments where it was impossible to deny and difficult to restrain himself.

Cale rested his head in the crook of Alver's neck while the king carried him to the bathroom to clean him up.

It was new. Being cared for like this.

Cale clung onto it like an addiction. He loved the heights of pleasure that his 'masters' gave him in the desirous hours spent indulging in one another.

But the feelings he had in the moments afterwards were indescribable.

The way that Alver and Roksu fussed over him, searching his body attentively for even the tiniest cut or bruise before attending to it diligently. Kissing his rug burnt knees in apology and holding him close like he was precious.

It was enough that Cale could almost believe there was something more between them.

He wasn't so delusional as to believe that though. Alver and Roksu were just deeply affectionate and kind people. For all that they could enjoy dominating Cale in the bedroom, and for all the cold manipulative cruelty they were capable of exhibiting towards political opponents, the king and prime minister were ultimately soft people with soft hearts.

Cale was taking advantage of those soft hearts.

Sometimes he felt bad about that. Sometimes he luxuriated in it.

It wasn't a bad deal for any of them. They were able to please themselves with Cale's body, Cale was able to feel the pleasure of their lust and affection, and no one got hurt.

Except Cale but he was too used to hurting himself in the name of protecting his loved ones to even recognize when he was doing it anymore.

They would probably be uncomfortable if they knew how he felt.

He would probably lose moments like this. The three of them in a king's bathing pool, Roksu gently rubbing Cale's feet and moving up to his calves, probably intent on giving Cale another full body massage.

The feel of Alver's warm chest against his back as the king held him close in his lap, gently washing his hair and tenderly leaving soft kisses where he'd once left biting bruises, as though to apologize for being so rough with Cale.

Cale closed his eyes and kept his mouth shut.

They were just giving a good pet a bath as a reward for being the perfect slut in bed.

There was nothing special to it.

Cale needed to remind himself of that.

He was careful to maintain boundaries with them. So that they wouldn't think he'd gotten ideas above his station. So that they would continue to keep him.

He never wanted to live without this. Live without them. He didn't know how he'd lasted in the years before he'd met them. The lonely life where he couldn't ever indulge in the slightest weakness.

That was why he liked being a pet.

Part of it, at least.

When he was a pet, he could shamelessly allow himself to be as strong or as weak as he felt like. He didn't have to put up bravado or an act or pretend to be upset when he wasn't. He could just indulge in his base desires while he was doted on by two irresistible people that he treasured.

They would definitely be uncomfortable if they knew that.

He would need to keep his feelings secret at all costs. He silently made plans to snap at them and storm away after the gentle affection of aftercare was over. He might throw some alcohol around for emphasis.

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