Part 7

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Roksu gently caressed Cale's thigh, watching with mounting pleasure as Cale used his cock to indulge.

Mewling and growling and desperate to find his release while Roksu was able to lay back and enjoy the view. He loved sex like this, just lying back on his plush bed and being pleasured by his beautiful pet.

Cale let out a wine that made him sound more animal than human, repositioning himself to get that angle again and resuming his desperate bid for pleasure with Roksu's cock inside of him.

It was a mutually beneficial situation. Roksu simply didn't have Cale's terrifying stamina in bed so this helped to serve them both when Cale was feeling particularly insatiable.

It also just felt really really good.

Roksu should have expected it would happen. It normally did when he spent the night at the palace. He'd wake up with Cale either sucking his cock or riding it. Completely lost in his pet persona and absolutely audacious.

Roksu didn't mind. Incredible sex was not a bad way to wake up at all. He let his fingers rest on Cale's inner thigh and considered helping him to get off by stroking his bouncing cock.

But, then again, that would require moving and Roksu was rather tired. He'd do it if Cale asked him to. Or, more accurately, whimpered pathetically for it.

Cale had a unique way of making himself completely understood in a nonverbal state. It was pretty impressive.

Roksu closed his eyes lazily, letting out a moan of pleasure as Cale tightened around him as the pet found his climax.

It didn't surprise him at all that Cale kept bouncing even after he'd cum. He was unsteady now, the raw pleasure from cumming making him unable to quite balance himself as well but he was still pleasuring himself with Roksu's cock. Taking Roksu in so deep that Roksu could see a bulge in his stomach.

Cale's now limp cock bounced with him and he collapsed weakly onto Roksu's chest, his hips still moving ceaselessly as he sought out the heights of pleasure that he craved.

Roksu pet his hair gently and kissed the side of his head, muttering a soft good boy as he let his pet have his fun.

Cale's panted breaths warmed Roksu's neck and that was the only warning he had before his pet bit him.


Roksu winced. He didn't like pain at all. Cale did. Normally, Alver would be the one to receive his vicious little bites but when it was just the pair of them, Roksu was his only victim.

He felt Cale's cock growing harder between them and Cale's hips started to move faster in response, eager to fill the new desire mounting inside of him.

Roksu rubbed his spine gently and Cale moved ever more desperately, whimpering and nipping at Roksu's collarbone desirously.

At his core, Roksu had always been something of a pillow princess. He was happiest when sex required as little work from him as humanly possible and all he had to do was let the pleasure roll over him in waves. It made Cale an infinitely suitable sex partner, aside from the biting, because Cale was able to enjoy himself without his partner doing very much at all.

Sometimes he felt like Cale might be trying to goad him to do something but he dismissed the thought easily enough. The truth was that he was pleased and so was Cale and there wasn't any real need to change anything.

Roksu was, for the most part, comfortable with the arrangement. There was more that he wanted from Cale but he was very used to only having very little in his life and receiving even less than that. Roksu's general mentality was that he didn't like to mess with a good thing.

As it was, Roksu could expect to wake up to a beautiful pet riding his cock like his life depended on it while all Roksu had to do was be there. It was a sweet deal.

Mornings like this, he was simply at peace with the world and his life.

He had three wonderful children. A caring father. Lots of friends. A vivacious lover. And a really annoying job but his boss was his hyung so he forgave that last bit. Roksu's life was full in ways he never imagined it ever would be.

Roksu's grip on Cale tightened as he got closer to his own climax, Cale moaned dirtily, cumming again just from the hold and Roksu thrust just once inside of Cale's welcoming hole before cumming inside. Cale rocked gently on his cock, milking it of every last drop of cum before nipping sleepily at Roksu's throat.

If Roksu was a fool, he would have believed that Cale was done.

Fortunately, Roksu did have basic pattern recognition so he wasn't at all surprised when Cale shimmied himself off of Roksu's dripping cock and stretched out.

Roksu took a moment to admire the view. The way that Cale's body could move so sensually even while just stretching out.

Then Cale crawled down and began to lick Roksu's cock, cleaning it thoroughly of his own cum while he played the part of the obedient pet helping his master out.

Roksu knew better.

Within a few minutes, Cale would be deepthroating and then, after he'd made Roksu cum in his mouth, he'd be riding Roksu's cock all over again.

Roksu just needed to make sure that he kept his cock humanoid so that he didn't actually hurt Cale. He reached out a hand and gently caressed Cale's face as the pet worked diligently to please him. Roksu's cock was already responding to his ministrations. It was hard not to. Cale was adorable like this.

"Good boy." Roksu praised again, moaning as Cale found his favorite spot. "Just like that–right there."

Cale obediently kissed the spot again, swirling his tongue perfectly to make Roksu groan with desire.

Cale was always so perfectly responsive to positive feedback. Which worked well for Roksu, because he loved to give it.

"Again–" Roksu asked sweetly, running his fingers through Cale's hair and losing himself to pleasure when Cale obeyed.

His pet was so cute.

Cale ran his tongue along his length and kissed the tip of Roksu's cock, hollowing out his cheeks to take him hard and deep.

Roksu closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Really. This was one of the best possible ways to wake up in the morning.

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