Part 13

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Sometimes the answer was just obvious.

Roksu Miru was not well versed in the land of sex and romance, despite his extraordinarily long life, but he was also an extremely intelligent person who could generally see the truth that was right in front of him.

That wasn't to say he didn't have his moments of obtuse ignorance but for the most part, he was good at understanding situations and people. Perhaps he would have remained oblivious if he was the only person involved, but being the third in a relationship offered him a pleasant birds eye view.

Cale was in love with them. He complained and struggled and lied but once he could no longer hide behind the illusion of pet, it was obvious. The adoration in his face and voice that he couldn't hide any longer and the way that he let Roksu and Alver bend and break rules without a single complaint because of how badly he wanted it too.

So Roksu didn't have a single word of protest when Alver proposed. He assumed that Alver, being an observant and intelligent king, had also seen how clear Cale's love was and this was merely the next step in progressing the relationship.

Frankly speaking, Roksu couldn't be more satisfied with his current life. His children were happy. Cale was happy. Alver was happy. Roksu was very happy as well, although he was miffed that his latest request for early retirement had been predictably rejected.

Roksu could be rather slow on the uptake but once he'd accepted a fact, he felt no need to contest or struggle against the obvious truth. He was the sort of person who could wake up in another person's body and immediately accept his circumstances with a shrug. By comparison, the knowledge that his longtime lover returned his feelings was quite mundane.

And since he was the sort of person who never felt the need to point out the obvious, he didn't feel the need to say or do anything special when the truth became apparent. It was more than enough for him to have the people he loved.

In some ways, this was precisely what made the otherwise very intelligent man into a bit of a dumbass.

He could see the obvious facts that his lovers were in love and by extension, he was also loved. But he couldn't understand how vocalizing those facts might assuage quite a bit of concerns for all the parties involved.

Clearly everyone was on the same page, otherwise they wouldn't be currently planning the royal wedding between Alver Crossman and Cale Henituse. No one could be so obtuse as to literally get married without understanding that their love was mutual. That would be ridiculous.

Roksu underestimated just how ridiculous his lover and hyung were.

Roksu pet Cale's hair absently as he looked over a document pertaining to the upcoming wedding. The Marquis Sten had sent his congratulations while warning that the Tolz family planned lodge a protest against Cale's legitimacy with evidence attached. It wouldn't be a difficult situation to deal with.

Didn't that Neo kid have a crush on Cale?

Truly. Cale was a troublemaker through and through, attracting hearts whether he wanted them or not.

Cale stirred in his spot, curling up in Roksu's lap as though disturbed by something. Roksu set aside the documents. "Something wrong, Cale?"

Russet eyes framed by long crimson lashes looked up at Roksu with a sour glare.

Ah, he doesn't want to talk about it.

Roksu wasn't going to push him then. There were few things that he liked less than upsetting his moody lover. For starters, because Cale was a pain in the ass when he was pissed.

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