Part 8

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There were certain advantages to having two sexual partners for a man with a low sex drive.

It wasn't that Roksu didn't enjoy sex, far from it, but compared to his precious pet he was practically asexual. Truthfully, before meeting Cale he'd never had any sexual desires at all. He was still fairly happy to go through his entire life virtually sexless.

He just wasn't happy to go through his life without Cale.

So it was quite advantageous to have a person who could match Cale's veracity. There would never be a day that Roksu would tire of having that dear man in his life but there were certainly times that he was grateful that he was able to tap out and Cale was still able to experience pleasure.

Roksu watched affectionately while Cale writhed in pleasure, mewling out animalistic moans while his king showed an unmatched enthusiasm for fucking their precious little pet.

Roksu gently pet Cale's hair, directing those enchanting brown eyes towards him with the gesture and watching as the overstimulated pleasure glazed over Cale's normally sharp gaze.

It was an unparalleled sight and Roksu considered himself quite privileged to be allowed to enjoy it. It was also quite nice to see Alver so animated. Roksu didn't have the same affection for Alver, at least none of the lust, but he truly loved his king. Alver was a brother and a dear friend to him. However, there were too many times that Roksu noticed Alver hiding his emotions behind a mask.

Not just in the moments when it was a necessity, during meetings and assemblies or other events, but even just in their day to day life. There was a side of Alver that was constantly closed off to everyone. Coiled in on himself as though scared.

In that way, Roksu thought that Alver and Cale were quite similar. They both had an unhealthy way of hiding their emotions and placing walls between themselves and their loved ones. Roksu, of course, remained hilariously unaware of his own tendency to do that very same thing.

The three of them were about as dishonest as a person could be while still remaining ultimately honest and upright individuals. That was why Roksu really did love watching Cale and Alver have sex. It was comforting to watch two people that he loved so dearly finding nirvana in one another.

The only bothersome factor was the way that he could very occasionally spot hints of pain or dissatisfaction on their faces. It was strange, he knew that they were enjoying themselves, he knew that they treasured one another greatly, but there was an invisible distance that was becoming more and more apparent with time.

Cale cried out and clung to Roksu's waist while Alver's pace increased in ferocity, the king letting out a desirous groan as he fucked Cale harder.

It might have been Roksu's imagination but he could swear that Alver's hand trembled before he grabbed Cale's hip with his normal bruising force.

It was little things like that.

Roksu frowned and gently caressed Cale's head. Cale's moans were muffled in Roksu's thigh and the feel of his hot breath was almost enough to interest Roksu in another round. Cale really did have a way of riling him up despite his general disinterest in sex.

Alver's dark brown eyes locked on the sight and for just a moment, Roksu could swear that they flashed with jealousy.

Strange and even stranger. Roksu knew better than anyone that Alver wasn't uncomfortable with their arrangement. They both loved sharing Cale and being able to shower him in their affection. Alver was always very clear about this and Roksu was confident that he knew his sworn brother well enough to know it was the truth.

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