Part 12

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Alver had properly lost his mind.

He was all too aware of this.

His restraint had broken down completely and now he was behaving with a reckless abandon for the consequences but he couldn't stop even when he tried. His greed for more was driving him to new extremes but he couldn't stop.

Cale never said no, no matter how hard he pushed, and he was starting to even delude himself that Cale wanted him to keep pushing harder and harder. It was impossible to satiate his desire for more and he no longer could persuade himself that there was any point in being good.

He wanted Cale.

He wanted Cale more than he'd wanted anything in his entire life. And the only boundary that stopped him from absolutely losing his mind with that desire was the line between 'pet' and 'master' that had vanished with Roksu's suggestion to expand their sexual exploits.

Alver didn't know how to draw a line between them anymore.

With Cale writhing beneath him, hands reaching out for him, curses on his tongue, and that look on his face, how the hell was Alver supposed to hold himself back?

He proposed expecting a rejection.

Cale didn't.

It was deranged and unethical of him to proceed further and further while knowing that Cale didn't return his feelings. Was it an abuse of power? Cale probably only thought the proposal was to make their sexual exploits easier. The queen would certainly receive more freedom to remain at Alver's side during all settings. Or maybe he thought that Alver just wanted someone to take over the duties of 'queen' to wrestle yet more power from the Crossman family.

It wasn't that.

From a political standpoint, positioning Cale as his partner was a terrible idea that would lead to a million headaches and scandals and Alver didn't care.

He just wanted Cale.

No matter what he had to endure to have him, to claim him, to tie this precious man to him, he would do it all. He'd accept any hardship in the name of being allowed to treasure his beloved lover.

Alver was actually a little surprised that Roksu wasn't stopping him. Of all people, he trusted his prime minister to give him a reality check when he spiraled too far out of control. Especially with regards to Cale because Roksu loved Cale just as much as Alver did. There was no way that Roksu would let Alver force Cale into a marriage that would only hurt him.

But contrary to stopping him, Roksu was in full support and even helped Alver to plan the wedding and get the court nobles to fall in line.

It made it so much harder to resist.

Alver pulled Cale's sleeping body closer to him and buried his face into the nape of his neck and breathed in Cale's intoxicating scent. From the other side of Cale, Roksu rolled over and placed an arm lazily around Cale's waist.

I want to keep him like this forever.

"I'm sorry." Alver whispered softly, so quiet that it would be impossible to hear unless you were straining your hearing at that exact moment. "I can't stop."

What would he do if he really hurt Cale with his unbridled desires? He didn't know if he could forgive himself. But when he saw the ring Cale wore and the embarrassed flush on his cheeks and the smile itching at the corners–

He loved him.

He loved being able to hold Cale close while he worked, listening to Cale's predictably crude comments about this marquis or that duke while Alver penned much more eloquent replies, approvals, and disapprovals. The way that Cale would notice things that Alver hadn't and shared his opinion. The way that Cale clung to him and called out his name when Alver fucked him against the desk–

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