Part 4

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Time was precious.

Roksu was all too aware of this because he didn't have that much time. Despite his manifold efforts to make time to do absolutely nothing, it felt like the more effort he put into doing nothing, the less time he had for doing nothing.

It was a cruel cycle for him to endure.

That isn't to say there weren't moments that made his general failure to obtain a slacker life worth it.

There were definitely things and people who were worth his time. And even Roksu at his grumpiest couldn't deny enjoying spending time with the people he cared about.

Roksu's hands ran through the soft red locks in his lap absentmindedly as he listened to the soft breathing of the sleeping pet.

The king was away on an important delegation, one which unfortunately didn't allow him to bring his dear pet along with him, and since Cale was the sort of pet that might die of loneliness without his master about, Roksu made time to pet sit.

Of course, pet-sitting with Cale mostly entailed the red-head curling up on the pet bed under Roksu's desk while occasionally crawling up to make a menace of himself.

Currently, Cale had fallen asleep with his lips still absently grazing against the length of Roksu's erection. For whatever reason, despite hating mornings and hating doing things in the morning, Cale had a habit of waking up early to kiss Roksu's cock sleepily.

It really wasn't a habit that Roksu had any complaints about, except for how difficult it was to cope with, when Cale fell back asleep without finishing the job.

Roksu breathed heavily as he tried to focus on the paperwork in front of him and not the feel of Cale's warm breath against his length while demonic thoughts haunted him.

He wasn't going to wake Cale up to finish the job. That was unreasonable. It also felt a bit wrong to jerk himself off to Cale's sleeping face.

Tax reform. He still had so much tax reform to finish. He'd focus on tax reform. It was more than enough to be able to pet his seductive pet while he worked. It was nice to have Cale in the office. It was just absolutely painful to try and curb the increasing desire to grab Cale by the hair and use his mouth to Roksu's satisfaction.

He wouldn't do that to Cale. No matter how tempting it might be.

Roksu really had to wonder how Alver managed to get anything done with this minx lying under his desk all day. He developed a new respect for his silly hyung to have survived Cale's lazy seductions without going absolutely insane.

It wasn't the first time that Roksu had Cale in his office, they shared custody of the disobedient pet after all, but Cale tended to spend more time under Alver's desk and this was the first time that Alver had been away for such a long time.

Roksu was of the opinion that there was no such thing as too much of a good thing but he could understand the maxim a little better while his fingers itched to curl around Cale's hair.

"Mmm..." Cale moved in his sleep and unconsciously mouthed at Roksu's cock.

Roksu dropped his quill and ran a hand through his hair.

He would have to apologize to hyung when he got back. He'd really never understood to what extent Alver had meant it when he said that Cale was driving him crazy. It was one thing to have a nice little horny pet under the desk every so once in a while, a little treat during the boring hours at work, but it was day three of Roksu enduring sole custody of Cale's insatiable libido and he was about ready to go absolutely insane.

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