Part 15

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"Do you think we should sanction the Orsena territory?"

"You ask that like you haven't already made up your mind."

"Talk–ahh–about this–there, right there!–later, you bastards!"

Alver leaned forward and placed an apologetic kiss on his dear husband's lips. Cale pouted but another forceful thrust into his deepest parts, turning any composure into another distraught moan of uncontrollable pleasure. "Sorry, love. It's been weighing on my mind."

Cale writhed in Roksu's lap, arching his back as he climaxed yet again. Cale panted as he glared at Alver through half-lidded eyes. "You can–think of something else–now?" He growled.

Roksu chuckled, waiting leisurely for Cale to regain his strength and begin moving again. "He has a point."

Alver gave the prime minister a light glare. "You started it. How come you get off so easily?" The last bit was half directed at Cale, feeling a touch wronged over having been the only one blamed for the political conversation.

Cale's cheeks colored and he looked away. It clicked and Alver smiled gently, setting aside the document he'd been half heartedly looking over and crawling closer to where Cale had been merrily riding Roksu's cock.

"Did you miss me?" Alver teased, gently guiding Cale into a kiss by the chin.

Cale bit Alver's lip in protest but his arms wrapped around the king's neck, pulling him in closer needily.

It was nice like this. Perhaps Cale wasn't the most honest even now, but Alver was far more confident in his ability to read Cale and understand his desires. And slowly, Cale seemed to open up more and more.

The amount that communication had improved their relationship and sex life could not be understated. Every desire that was once married with fear and hesitation became another avenue for pleasure and happiness.

Alver pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead against Cale's and admiring just how beautiful his lovely queen looked, russet eyes framed by long crimson lashes and a gaze so full of love that it made Alver's heart throb with affection.

"What would you like then, Cale?" Alver asked sweetly, caressing Cale's cheek. "How may I please you?"

Cale growled, tightening his arms around Alver's neck and squirming atop of Roksu. The movement caused Roksu to groan low in his throat and hug Cale from behind, burying his face in Cale's shoulder while he tried to catch his breath.

" restraint..." Cale muttered, looking embarrassed but determined. He fixed Alver with a determined glare but it was faltered by the desperate sincerity hidden in his eyes. "Touch me how you want to."

That was something Alver was learning about Cale as well. Of all the intense kinks that Cale had, the strongest one of all was definitely this one. The desire to feel desired. Wanted. Loved. Adored. To make his partner lose their mind with lust and become consumed with just Cale and Cale alone. A cute desire to be wanted with an insatiable intensity.

If only Cale could know just how much Alver already desired him with that much passion. Although, Alver sought out each day to teach Cale just how deep and insatiable his love truly was.

Alver claimed Cale's lips in a passionate kiss, allowing himself to lose himself completely to the desire to possess this beautiful person. Sparring with Cale's tongue before dominating him and pinning him against Roksu's chest.

The poor dragon moaned as once more, his aching cock was squeezed inside of Cale. A mewling whimper escaped Cale as Roksu's cock expanded inside of him.

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