Part 6

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That was unusual.

Cale hardly ever struggled to contain his words but at the moment, he was literally biting his own lip to hold them in. Alver shifted very slightly and was rewarded with a raw gasp of uncontainable pleasure.

Alver played dumb. One arm wrapped around Cale's waist while the other continued to write dutifully on the documents on his desk.

Cale's position in his lap wasn't an unfamiliar one. It was quite comfortable as well. Hours spent working in his office with Cale's warm walls clenching against his throbbing cock, keeping him warm and comfortable while Cale squirmed and whined in his lap.

It was the perfect position to be able to hold Cale close while completing his work, and as a bonus, he could kiss and bite the pale expanse of Cale's neck without stopping what he was doing. An act that he particularly enjoyed for a multitude of reasons, starting with just how sensitive Cale's neck was.

If Alver were an entirely honest person, which he wasn't, he would admit that he'd quite purposefully wound Cale up this far.

Rather than how he normally sat Cale in his lap and teased him occasionally while they both luxuriated in the pleasure of one anothers warmth, an act so simple and comfortable that Cale would sometimes fall asleep in his lap and require a good fucking to get woken up when Alver completed his work.

Today Alver had been cruel. Teasing Cale's nipples with his spare hand, playing with Cale's leaking cock, and rather than occasionally leaving biting kisses along Cale's neck, he was intent on driving Cale insane by greedily sucking and biting at all of Cale's weakest spots.

Of course it was sweet torture for himself as well. The way that Cale squirmed and whimpered in his arms, practically begging Alver to fuck him properly while he desperately held in his own keening voice.

But he endured.

Something had snapped inside of Alver.

He wasn't allowed to love Cale properly. To caress his cheek gently while whispering sweet nothings to him before covering him in featherlight kisses.


Cale wanted nothing but pleasure from him.


Alver would give him pleasure. Alver would indulge in his darkest desires and drive Cale so far over the line that Cale would finally release his sweet voice.

It wasn't a conscious effort. Alver's morality wouldn't allow him to engage in something so depraved and cruel. To tease and fuck Cale until he became a blubbering mess that was unable to cope with even an act as simple as cockwarming.

He wanted to drive Cale beyond his limits and to hear Alver's name peeled from those lovely lips.

There was still a limit. Alver licked and sucked a bite mark gently while his fingers slipped under Cale's shirt and teased Cale's sensitive nub.

Alver had just enough sanity to restrain himself from actually hurting Cale. From doing anything that he didn't know Cale liked.

Although the part of him that had lost his patience wanted nothing more than to bend Cale over the desk and fuck him to his hearts content, regardless of the words Cale spoke.

Depraved. Cruel. Indefensible. If Alver were to even acknowledge his own dark desires, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

But that didn't stop him from indulging in Cales welcoming body in every way available to him.

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