Part 9

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Cale was comfortable.

This was true in every conceivable way.

Cale was uncomfortable.

This was also true.

The contradiction of the two competing emotions offered absolutely no reprieve and he had no choice but to indulge in the moment. Settled neatly in Alver's lap while Roksu wordlessly fed him the occasional sweet, the plates of food spread all around and between them on the plush bed as though asking for a terrible spill to occur.

Cale didn't give a fuck about that though. The idea that the food might spill onto the mattress could be accurately described as his lowest priority concern in all the world right now.

It was the gentle beating of Alver's heartbeat against his back that had him consumed.

The way that Roksu and Alver casually chatted away about this and that, mostly work related shit like the idiots they were, and took turns feeding Cale in-between eating themselves.

It wasn't the first time that the three of them had a late night dinner like this. Casual and cuddled and so intolerably sweet. But there was something about it that was driving Cale insane.

It was that beating heart.

Cale nuzzled up against Alver's chin, grateful for the ability to do so as his pet and happily taking a bite of the macron that Roksu offered. Roksu finished off the macron without blinking an eyelash before having a sip of juice.

"Raon is on your case about drinking again?" Alver guessed, laughing at his dongsaeng's inability to deny his children anything. Even when said children were very much out of sight.

Roksu grunted in reply and shrugged. "I like apple juice."

Cale's lips twitched upwards and he wanted to laugh at how silly and cute it was. But if he were to part his lips to join Alver in teasing the dragon prime minister, he would be forced to leave the warmth of Alver's lap.

It was that heartbeat.

Often when they had impromptu dinners like this, Cale acted like a human. It wasn't for any specific reason but he didn't have any need to cuddle or fuck while they just ate dinner and talked about random bullshit.

But Cale wasn't able to move from Alver's lap. The feel of that heartbeat against him was addictive in a way that he couldn't even begin to put words to. At least not words he could ever say aloud.

Cale nipped and Alver's chin and Alver chuckled, offering Cale a sip of his wine as though psychically knowing exactly what Cale wanted.

That made him nervous sometimes. Alver was so perceptive to his needs, even when he was entirely nonverbal, that sometimes he really feared that the king would one day perceive those forbidden feelings.

"Ah. That reminds me."

Roksu cut into Cale's brooding with that simple statement. It was such a normal thing to say. Words that would normally be followed by about the trade agreement or Ohn wants me home early tonight were quite suddenly followed by words that threatened to cut Cale open.

"Are you okay?"

It wasn't immediately clear who Roksu was addressing and so, Cale wound up sharing a confused look with Alver for a split second. So startled that he even broke character for a split second.

"Ah, both of you." Roksu said casually, holding up a fork full of steak for Cale who obediently ate it out of confusion. "You've been looking sad lately."

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