Chapter Five - 'Behind the Door'

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Chapter Five - 'Behind the Door'

The breath catches in your throat, as you stare into the darkness. Your legs shake, but the voice is mesmerizing, willing you to go through. You half want to run, but your legs say otherwise.

You step through. The darkness engulfs you, and your breathing becomes quicker and shallower. You don't want to stay in the darkness.

Stay calm. The voice says. Follow my voice, down the stairs. Come on, I don't bite.

You continue forward. Your hands are outstretched, trying to feel your way through. You let out a small sigh of relief when you feel wood against your hands.

Why aren't my eyes adjusting?! You worry. Aren't eyes supposed to adjust after a few minutes?!

But, though you're terrified, you are also interested about what's down the stairs, what lies there. And, more importantly, whether Freddy and Bonnie were hiding whatever was down there.

"Stay calm." You whisper and stretch out a foot, becoming more confident as it touched wooden steps.

You make your way down the stairs, and manage to finally exhale the breathe you'd been holding, as your feet touched tile.

Your eyes adjusted to the dark. But then a spotlight flicked on, and the bright light bathed a stack of boxes. You tilt your head sideways. What was so special about a bunch of old boxes?

Open them. The voice whispered. Inside are all their secrets. Go on.

You step forward and glide your fingers across the first box, until they met tape. You scratch your nails across the tape and then fell to your knees, becoming more desperate. You scraped and scraped until the piece of tape became loose. You pull it off.

"Thank God." You smile and rip open the box, gasping when you saw what was inside.

It was a plastic version Freddy, with blushed cheeks and longer eyelashes. Almost like a girl. You shiver. The plastic Freddy's eyes are blank; he's turned off. Or broken.

You glance at the other boxes and streak across to another one, ripping it open and gasping again. You've hit the jackpot.

This time it's a plastic Bonnie, his eyelashes long and blusher decorating his blue cheeks. He's just the same - turned off and unresponsive. You open another. A plastic Chica.

What even were these?

What were they doing here?

And the one you wanted answering most; why was it such a big secret?

* * *


I make my way to the kitchen, to find Chica. Whilst I walk, I rehearse what I am going to say. I need to do that. Chica can be hard explaining things to.

I push open the door to the kitchen, and am greeted by the greasy smell of pizza. I've become sick of that smell over the years.

Chica's watching an oven intently, and she looks weird. Well, as weird as a chicken watching an oven can be, I guess.

She looks up as I walk over, and smiles. She claps her hands together. "Bonnie!" Chica chirps. "What's up? Other than the ceiling, of course!"

I sigh. Great. She's making up puns. "Chica, have you seen (your name)?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"Why?" Chica asks, puzzled and cocking her head to the side.

"We can't find her." I tell her. "She argued with Foxy and then stormed away. We've all separated to try and find her."

Chica nods, slowly. And then shakes her head. "I haven't seen her..."

"Okay, well..." I trail off. "Bye, then?"

Chica nods. "See ya, Bonnie!" She turns and opens the oven. "Do you want some pizza?"

"Um, no thanks, Chica." I say. "But thanks for the information. Also, Drusilla might like some."

"Okay, bye!" Chica starts doing whatever she's doing and I start away, shaking my head, deep in thought.

Where could she even get to?

I stop.

The secret.

Could she...?



* * *

Hope you enjoyed!

So many secrets, eh?

Bye guys!

Happy writing!

- Nat xx

The Silver Hook (Sequel to That Crimson Animatronic) Book Three.Where stories live. Discover now