Chapter Thirteen - 'Finding Gold's Hideout'

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Again, sorry for not updating. Forget what I said about updating frequently - not going to happen. Updates shall be slow, especially for this story. Sorry! 

CHAPTER THIRTEEN - 'Finding Gold's Hideout'

You and Mike waited until ten that night, before sneaking into the pizzeria. Well, it wasn't necessarily sneaking, since you and him were allowed into the pizzeria. But you did have to get past Freddy,Chica and Foxy. After many false warnings from Mike ('What was that? Oh, never mind, it was just old Marty, the janitor'), you finally arrived at the place that the door appeared.

"So, this door...?" Mike looked up and down, and you hurried forward, tracing your finger along the wall. "It's hidden, right? It was just here when me, Drusilla and Gold came down here."

"Exactly." You whisper, just loud enough for him to hear. "It only shows itself, I figure, for Gold, me and that... Puppet, or whatever."

"You don't think it's gonna..." Mike trailed off into silence. You hoped silently that whatever Mike was thinking, didn't come true. 

You let out a delighted cry as you find the door, "Aha! I've found it, Mike, come on!" Before long, you and Mike are filing into the darkness, and you hold your breath as a familiar voice speaks to you.

Hello, again. The voice whispered. Here to discover more secrets? 

"You okay?" Mike's voice brings you back to the present. "You started mumbling stuff. (your name)? Hey, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." You hiss and tentatively step out. You feel the creaky steps beneath your foot and blink, slowly walking down the steps. You hear Mike behind you, breathing rapidly. You hated coming down here again. 

Finally, you reach the bottom and let out a sigh of relief. "Now, the tricky part." You declare, narrowing your eyes at the odd illuminated spot, where the light bathed the ripped-open boxes. "Trying to find where Gold's hideout is."

You start looking around, trying to stay well clear of the boxes. Luckily, the voice doesn't beginning whispering to you again, but you partially wish that something would make a noise; it was way too quiet for your liking.

"Hey, um, (your name)?" Mike calls, and you turn around, trying to find where he is. "I think I've found it. I'm near the stairs, yes, I'm here."

You reach out and pat Mike's shoulder. "Good, now where- ahhh!" You cry out as the ground disappears beneath your feet, and you go tumbling into darkness. Mike shouts as well, and then you're both sprawled on cold flooring. "I think we found it." You grunt.

"No kidding." Mike groans and you both try to get to your feet, triggering a motion-detector light, which flicks on. "Least he had the decency to let us look around." Mike stares up at the ceiling. "Dunno how we'll get out, though."

"(your name)? Mike?" A familiar voice croaks in surprise, and then turns angry, mixed with lingering curiosity. "How did you get down here?"

You and Mike whirl around to find Gold staring at you, before he sinks into an old wooden chair. Gold tilts his head, blinking. "Oh... um..." You trail off and then gather your confidence. "We need to talk to you, actually. Mike?"

"Oh, yes." Mike holds out the drawing, which you gladly take. Quickly, you cross the room to Gold, passing the drawing to the golden animatronic. Gold raises an eyebrow and stares down, silent. 

"So?" You question. "This is the Marionette, right? And a child. Drawn by a child. Therefore, a child, or children, has seen it."

"Him." Gold mumbles and then stands up, pressing the drawing into your hands. "This doesn't mean anything personal to me."

"It doesn't need to be personal." You say through clenched teeth. "I just want to know why this puppet-thing has been whispering to me in my head!"

Gold looks taken aback and it takes several heartbeats before he regains himself. "Marionette can't do that." He says, almost inaudible.

"What?" You ask in disbelief. "Then who...?"

"What's this?" Mike asks, and you turn to find him kneeling over a box covered in dust. You glance over your shoulder, to find that Gold was deep in thought. "Shall we take a look?" Mike asks you as you arrive at his side.

"Yes." You nod. "Let's take a look."

Mike starts pulling at the box and then, with a cloud of dust, the box opens with a click. You cough and peer inside, pulling sharply back as you realize what's inside. "Is that human skin?" Mike splutters. "Human skin?"

Gold whirls around, eyes ablaze. "What are you doing?" He croaks and launches himself forward, snapping the box shut. "Can't you keep away from anything?"

"Why are you keeping this from us?" You challenge. "We could easily tell Freddy! Does he know this is down here?"

"Of course he does." Gold snaps. "Without these human suits, you probably wouldn't even- Crap, I've said so much!" 

Gold grabs the box and hurries away, pulling a key and shoving it into a lock. A great cupboard opens, hundreds of boxes and animatronic suits lining the walls. You and Mike exchange a glance and peer inside, but the doors snap shut.

"Get out." Gold growls. "Get out of my home!"

"But-" Mike begins, only to be cut off.

"You have no right to know anything from before you were born!" Gold rages. "You need not know things that do not concern you! Go away, get out!"

You grab Mike's arm and pull him towards the hole in the ceiling. You close your eyes and everything swirls around you. Before you know it, you're back in the basement.

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Thanks for reading! Gosh, I haven't updated this for ages! 

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Nat xx 

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