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Next morning

Aarohi just locked herself and even denied for having anything. All the csk members are worried for her but thought to give her some time.

Aarohi was thinking about Shreyas about yesterday when he said her that he believes her, trust her. Now again her insecurities came up thinking he will say her responsible to all this trolling thing.

As aarohi was not responding to calls Shreyas visited csk's hotel that morning. At hotel he met Rahane.

Shreyas:- hello bhai!! Aarohi kaha hai phone bhi nahin answer kar rahi hai.

Jinks:- she is in her room locked herself from yesterday didn't even have something. That's why I'm heading to Mahi bhai so that he make her have something.

Shreyas:- she is such chari.

Jinks:- but now I think you should go have a talk with her. Actually that's why you are here na? Go. But wait let us ask for a spare key.

Shreyas:- will they give us?

Jinks:- don't worry we'll manage.

With lots of pleading and explanations they got the spare key.

Jinks:- here take this and did you have ur breakfast?

Shreyas:- no

Jinks:- okay u go I'll send breakfast for u 2 to her room.

Shreyas:- thanks bhai.

Shreyas goes to her room but thinks before unlocking the room weather he should speak with her or not. After a lot of debate with himself he opened the door. But the sight he saw broke his heart into pieces. Aarohi curled up on the bed with a messy hair and the whole room too is messy. He quickly went near her.

Shreyas:- Aarohi!!

She looked up to see who called her and seeing him she just hugged him and completely broke down. Mumbling please trust me I didn't know she'll do like that.

Shreyas:- Shh.. calm down chari and who said u r responsible for this. Did I say anything to you?

She nodded her head cutely rubbing her tears.

Shreyas:- then? I said yesterday only that I trust you and said it sincerely. I trust you and always be with you.

Saying this he hugged her and was about to kiss her forehead the bell rang.

Shreyas:- I'll go and see.

He came back with the breakfast which was sent by Rahane.

Shreyas:- go wash ur face and come we'll have breakfast.

She washed her face and came back but didn't start to eat her food. Shreyas saw with a raised eye.

Aarohi:- kaane ka mann nahin kar rahi hai.

Shreyas:- bhai said that u haven't ate anything from yesterday night here have some. He feeds her.

Here's another update. Sorry for late update, not well.

Do comment ur opinions about how to proceed further.

Bye 😘

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