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With sheer determination Aarohi went to the kitchen took a plate of meal sufficient for 2 members and went to Shreyas knowing very well that he's not going eat anything now and also where he'll be.

Here back to Shreyas, he came to the glass house in the backyard which is Aarohi's favourite place in her house. He remembered how she brought him there that night when they came to Malhotra Mansion. He sat there having the view of greenery in front him. He remembered his first visit to the glass house.


"Where are you taking me chari? I know I'm handsome and all yours but that doesn't mean u'll kidnap me" said Shreyas making Aarohi to give him a annoyed look. "Can't u wait until we go there Mr.Impatient" said Aarohi when Shreyas stopped abruptly saying "just say me how many names u kept for me? First disco deewane then khadoos and then cute like seriously how many names u'll keep?" He said making Aarohi laugh at him. Seeing her laugh he admired her and said "uff my heart. It's going burst today." "Stop with ur flirting Mister believe me it's so cringe and no one is going to fall." Said Aarohi moving ahead.

He grabbed her through her waist pulling on her towards him and said " u have already fallen for me madam!!" To which Aarohi replied "who said so Mister?." Shreyas then bent to her giving pecks on her jawline said "no one said but ur actions speak a lot." He was going towards her lips when she covered it with her hand saying first come with me. She held his hand and was dragging him when she heard him saying "who asked ur dad to build this big mansion. This walk is longer than the chase to stop a boundary" "it is because u are stopping after every 2 steps now stop talking and come" she replied. "So you want me to take 7 steps with you?" He said teasing her. She just gave him a are you done look.

When they finally went there Shreyas was mesmerised by what he was seeing. It was a glass house.

"Wow it is so beautiful chari" said Shreyas he continued "I always dreamt of having this constructed in my own house

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"Wow it is so beautiful chari" said Shreyas he continued "I always dreamt of having this constructed in my own house." "I told u nah that u'll like it (asking for his hand) so can we mister?" Shreyas gave his hand to Aarohi who led them in. Going inside he saw there was a table arranged with a beer bottle and glass of juice. He chuckled seeing and said "from when did started having alcohol chari?"

"Can't you see there's another glass of juice which says it's for and the other is for you." Retorted Aarohi really getting annoyed with his questions. "But you don't like it when have it. So what bought to bring it?" Reasoned Shreyas. "If again hear a question from you I swear I'll punch you" threatened Aarohi. Shreyas just did zip lock action to which both of them laughed. They took their respective drink and sat there Aarohi on Shreyas' lap while he wrapped her in his arms. They were peacefully enjoying each other's company.

"I'll come here whenever I'm stressed I'll get relief here. Whenever I think of my past." Said Aarohi. Shreyas kept his bottle side and hugged kissing her side of the head.

Flashback ends

Tears rolled down remembering it. It's not like he wants to finish whatever is between them but he was not in a mind set to think about it now. He just wanted a break so that his words won't hurt her. His mind is still lingering on the thing that she thought he'll doubt her. He'll not allow her to meet Neil. Is this what he portrayed himself around her or was this her thinking. There were lot of questions for which he didn't have any answer. He couldn't take it anymore his whole body and mind became restless. He took a deep breath calming himself. He sat there closing his eyes thinking nothing. "She is correct this place is really refreshing" he thought and was going back when saw Aarohi entering there with a plate.

Seeing her he stopped in his tracks. She made him sit there and sat beside him. She let out a sign and said "I'm sorry disco deewane" with a pout that he couldn't resist and wanted to peck those, but he controlled himself maintaining a straight face. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have hide it from you." She continued but was cut by Shreyas who said "I said before and I'll say now too Aarohi it's not about hiding something from me anymore. It's just u still didn't understand my nature my way of thinking" he said in calm tone now. "But one thing is for sure that you broke my heart Aarohi" he said with moist eyes. "I'm sorry... sorry" sobbed Aarohi.

Seeing tears in her eyes he was engraved he collected find the that wether he's the reason for it or not. So he asked her "throw this vase down" she saw him weirdly for which he repeated himself clearly. She has done what he said making the vase to break in pieces. "Say sorry to it" he said. She was confused but did what he said. "Did it attached itself? (She shook her head) no right that's how my situation is. But I'm asking you sometime to give. (He saw her face and was melted sighing he cupped her face) listen Aarohi sorry is s very precious word with a lot of emotion and meaning hidden in it. Don't throw that word every time for everyone it will loose it's value." Saying this he is standing when she held him back.

"Okay fine at least eat something u didn't eat anything from yesterday night I saw u skipped ur breakfast too." She said. "The opinion u have on me and the words u saiid earlier have fed me enough to survive for the rest of the day. You don't worry" he taunted her. For a second Aarohi wanted the earth to open and take her beneath it. With a firm grip on his hand she composed herself a thought of the right cord which would hit him. "Even I'm very hungry at least sit here until I finish my meal" sighing he sat there. Aarohi wontedly was licking her fingers saying the food is very tasty. "Someone is not lucky enough to have this delicious food." She said making his hungry which was long gone to come back. Without thinking much he took a morsel which was in her hand and kept it in his mouth flavouring it. Aarohi laughed at his antics making his scratch his neck. "But still I'm disappointed Aarohi" saying Shreyas went away. While Aarohi was stuck at how distant they came in just some hours. Him constantly calling her Aarohi made her feel the depth of his feelings. But she was determined to her chari from him again.

Here's another update. Hope I portrayed Shreyas' feelings.

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