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After knowing the news everyone were numb to react the day went on peacefully without much talks. All had dinner and the Gorillas were talking among themselves or let's say back bitching about Aarohi how she is behaving with them.

Where as the ict and the Malhotras were having a good talk. Later the team members retired to their rooms to give Malhotras privacy.

Aarohi kept her on Nyonika's lap seeking the much needed comfort after seeing her past again infront of her eyes.

Nyonika was stroking her hair listening to Aarohi's talks about what happened after she joined ict and how they became her family.

Raj who was sitting beside and admiring his ladies then spoke "so what about Shreyas thing beta? Is it for real or just a rumour?"

Nyonika said "uffo Raj that's the reason I say come out of the work at least now. See he himself made it official by keeping a heart symbol to his heart." She teased Aarohi as she know Aaru is not someone who'll give a chance to tease her or go on with teasing she would retaliate it.

But to her surprise Aarohi's cheeks turned deep red. Aarohi just hide her head in Nyonika's lap.

The Malhotra couple chuckled at her antics. "So my daughter is really in love? You be happy that's what we want Aaru."

"But dad u people have no objection like u know? And more over without knowing the matter only people trolled me and even u are dragged into the trolling." Asked Aarohi.

"Why would I have objection Aaru? It's ur life we are none to decide and we are sure u'll make decisions for urself correctly. We can just say that no matter what we'll always be ur side as a support and to guide you. We'll be with you whatever ur decision is. And about getting trolled u know about my relation with social media it doesn't really matter to us but what matters is, is it mattering you?" Reassured Raj.

Hearing all this Aarohi's eyes moist she just nodded a no and said "yes it really did bothered me but my bhaiyyas and disco deewane did help to overcome it. I must say they are really protective and are a blessing in my life."

All this was seen by the Gorillas. They were shocked seeing how comfortable Aarohi is with them and how she was so open to them. Mimi was relieved that finally Aarohi had her people. Akshara was looking at totally shocked weather she knew the exactly same Aarohi. Kairav was jealous of how Aarohi mentioned the team as her bhaiyya. How she so free with their family calling their wife's bhabhi. How their children got to call Aarohi bua and getting pampered by her. Whereas his daughter having 2 bua's never called anyone. Aarohi being distinct with them. And coming to Akshara Birlas were adamant on making her call mami as the relation through Abhimanyu. But what hurt him the most was Aarohi's reaction, even after seeing him she didn't try to talk, didn't even bother to smile. Did she really didn't consider him her brother?

Coming to Neil, like every time he is so confused. Weather to be happy with his life or to regret that he let go his chipkali for his bhabhi. Is she really his chipkali now ?

The Malhotra couple went to their room leaving Aarohi and Gorillas. Aarohi saw towards them and remembered Raj's words just now what he said. She compared how opposite both the families were. They say blood is thicker than water. Is it real in her case? Did really her family by blood considered her happiness?

With all these questions in their mind everyone went to their rooms and called it a day.

Next morning as per routine Malhotra couple went to walking around their house which a mini park itself.

The team woke up and were doing their push ups in the living room as they were too tired to go to gym room which is at other end of the house. But were compelled by their Virat bhai to do. So having no option they started doing there itself. The ladies of ict are in the kitchen having chit chat and Sakshi making tea as it is everyone's favourite.

The Gorillas sat on the comforters waiting for the tea because when Swarna went to make it she was sent back by Nyonika saying she'll do. Nyonika too is sent back by Aarohi and the ladies as they took over the kitchen.

Aarohi came with the tray of biscuits along with tea. The Gorillas thought she made it. Manjari couldn't stop herself and said "what is this man! Morning morning I have seen this girl's face. Don't know how the day will work out."

Hearing this Aarohi's protective brothers were about to retort but were stopped by their Mahi bhai. But everyone was showing staggers to Manjari.

Add more fuel to them Akshara said "haa maa don't know how it's going be I'm scared my children will be safe na?" Hearing this the tears which Aarohi was controlling came rolling down. She looked towards Akshara is this what she thinks of her?

Surekha also added her dose saying "don't know how she made the tea. Just hope it doesn't taste like how her mother did for the first time. I still do remember that taste yuck." "I'm sure it'll be like that only Surekha. Where will that blood go" taunted Manish.

That was the last thing, nothing is going to stop the fire which they burnt unknowingly. Aarohi had enough she can't show her emotion infront of these people so just kept the tray on table and said "I didn't make it,so don't worry have. Anyhow u people are not that much lucky to have my hand made tea" she left wiping her tears to her room.

Ritika and Devisha who know what will happen to her if she cries went with her followed by the other ladies. Seeing this Shreyas who wanted to go stopped himself and concentrated on the Gorillas.

The ict members got their approval from their Mahi bhai the moment Surekha started talking. Virat was the first one who went near them and said "I'm warning you for the first and last time if I see a tear in my sister's eyes because of you people. Believe me it's going to be ur end." The tone of his voice was enough to make them gulp. Rohit who didn't have a sister and always wanted a sister got that bond with Aarohi. He was so protective about her. He said looking towards Manjari "you should be thankful that you saw my sister's face in the morning."

Sky who never raised his voice against anyone said in a very high pitch "if given respect u should take it. She served u tea that was a respect which she gave u. U people lost that too. So pathetic u are."

Shreyas who got to know their mentalities said "leave it bhai, they didn't deserve her respect nor ours. Did you see how they were taunting her with her mother. That's the reason she was hesitant to say anything to us. But remember u'll serve for everything u guys did to her. Mark my words."

Saying this all of them went to Aarohi's room. All this was seen by Raj and Nyonika who felt happy seeing how the ict and Shreyas stood for Aarohi.

Here's another update.

Guys did anyone of you are studying 11th computer?
If yes please say me how u are doing with the coding part of python. Yaar it is showing me a big python.

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